Nearly five years after her first complaint against Gérard Depardieu for rape and sexual assault, Charlotte Arnould delivers rare secrets about the fight she is experiencing, in an exclusive interview with the magazine Elleto obtain the conviction of the actor, presumed innocent.

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The recent testimonies of thirteen women, made public by the investigation of Mediapart, denouncing the sexual violence of Gérard Depardieu on the shooting of films or series between 2004 and 2022 have shed light on the accusations of Charlotte Arnould against the actor. Five years ago, the young 22-year-old dancer filed a complaint – the subject of a classification without follow-up – against the comedian who allegedly raped him twice in August 2018. Two years later, the one who became an actress filed a complaint a second time, becoming a civil party, and leading to the indictment of the movie star in December 2020 for “sexual assault” et “rapes“. The principal concerned has always denied the alleged facts of which he is accused. After having hidden his identity for a time, Charlotte Arnould broke the silence.

A case that made her “invisible

The 27-year-old recently gave her first press interview, which will appear tomorrow in the April 27 edition of the magazine. Elle. Since the publication of the statements of other alleged victims, the actress no longer feels “only“. She notes: “It adds weight to my story and my case. I felt a lot of emotion seeing these women speak on a set with their faces uncovered“. Initially considering Gérard Depardieu as his “spiritual father“Because of the strong ties he had with his parents, the actress says she had enough”faith in him. This is why she accepted the invitation of this friend of the family, in her Parisian home. With her mother as her only confidante following the rapes, Charlotte Arnould “muffled” and feels the need to lift the veil on his anonymity. Especially since on the side of justice”nothing is happening. She explains : “We are three years after the complaint and exactly one year after the indictment (…) He continues to turn, to be invited in TV shows, to sing Barbara while I survive, that I am invisible“.

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A fight that she no longer wants to live alone

From then on, she received the support of her “entouragee” and indirectly – through “like” on Instagram – of personalities like Aïssa Maïga, Judith Chemla or Elsa Wolinski. Flavie Flament is one of the few to send him a message. Charlotte Arnould knows that Gérard Depardieu “impose“and laments that he”at play“both in private and professional life.”He is very charismatic and powerful. SO yes, it’s not so easy to step up. But I make no excuses at all for the producers, the directors, the crews who made this possible.“, she says, based on the testimonies relayed by Mediapart. The actress rather says to herself “trusting“in justice for”be recognized as a victim and be convicted. But from Depardieu I expect nothing, even less that he asks for forgiveness“, she concludes, “determined“.


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