Torreon, Coahuila. From the Laguna region, and before thousands of citizens, the candidate for governor of the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, endorsed his commitment to step up the pace in this second half of the campaign and appealed to the entire Coahuila team to join this effort and continue working for the Lagoon.

Hand in hand with his wife Paola Rodríguez López, the candidate pointed out that thanks to the great citizen front that has joined his project, today he continues to lead the preferences, but, above all, he continues to bring the best political and social offer to improve the quality of life of Coahuila families.

“Here we managed to transcend partisan colors because we have a common interest, our state: Our party is called Coahuila. The people of Coahuila know us, they know that we give results, that we do not get distracted by grids but by working ”he highlighted.

Likewise, Jiménez Salinas recalled that he has already toured the regions of Coahuila five times and will do it again and reach the 38 municipalities to bring his proposals and enrich his work plan with the requests and ideas of the Coahuilenses.

He pointed out that being a citizen who is passionate about public service, he has traveled the state for more than 15 years, a time that has given him the experience to govern and fully understand the needs of the population, in addition to having a track record in which It has given people results.

“I know, because I already did it, that the exercise of government has to take citizens into account. They are the protagonists of public policies, and they are the experts in the issues of their daily life, that is why my main objective is to improve the quality of life of all Coahuilenses, and if we want Coahuila to continue forward we have to be united and work as a team,” he said.

In the same way, Jiménez Salinas stressed that, together with the candidates of the Citizen Alliance for Security to the local councils, they will work hand in hand to achieve the budgets and legislation that pay for the construction of programs, works and actions for the benefit directly from the entire population.

The candidate highlighted that from the second day of his campaign he presented an agenda that includes the ten main axes that will govern his government plan, with concrete proposals to continue with the good things that Coahuila has, innovate and change what needs to be improved.

He recalled that the anchor issues of his platform have to do with Security, Economic Development, Health, Education, Citizen Government, Inclusion, Women, Youth, Environment and Field and Quality Municipalities.

At the Centennial Coliseum, in Torreón, the candidate of the PAN-PRI-PRD coalition was accompanied by the national leaders of the political organizations he represents, Marko Cortés, Alejandro Moreno and Jesús Zambrano.

The national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés, pointed out that with this great alliance and all the citizens, Coahuila will be devastated on June 4th.

While the leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno highlighted the unity of the three political forces that make up this great invincible front in Coahuila.

For his part, Jesús Zambrano, national leader of the PRD, highlighted the convening power of Manolo Jiménez by bringing together the three national leaders, this campaign being a great meeting point for all those who want to work for the good of Coahuila.


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