Gala Inocente Inocente 2023: presenters, schedules, TV and how to watch online

He December 28th It is one of those most anticipated dates when the End of the Year arrives. A key day, marked on the calendar. A day in which the jokes do not stop, the rumors spread and in which we have to be careful not to be fooled, because any daily act can bring with it a joke.

It is also a day of celebration, since it is the day on which the long-awaited Innocent Innocent Galawhich is produced by Zebra Producciones, and which celebrates its ceremony for the eighteenth consecutive year with the aim of raising funds for solidarity workand This year we will go in favor of children with rare diseases.

A gala in which new celebrities will become the innocents of this 2023, having happened last year to celebrities from all fields, such as Sole Gimnez, Lorena Castell, Blanca Surez, Ana Beln, Pablo López, and Toms Roncero.

The gala presenters

For this new edition, the gala will have some high-level presenters. Three of them repeat, Carolina Casado, Jacob Petrus and Juanma López Iturriagawho have been in charge of presenting the event since 2018. A gala in which no other fixture will be present such as Anne Igartiburu, whose role will be another more than famous face, Cristinini.

The streamer has become the big news this year, not only at the Inocente Inocente Gala, but also in the summer, at the return of the Grand Prix, which returned with the legendary Ramón García, and which added great audience data. Cristinini was in charge of viewing each test from her own room, commenting on the bumps and slips of the contestants.

The jokes

For this new edition of the Inocente Inocente Gala, the program has some of the most famous new victims, such as lvaro Morata, Xuso Jones, Tania Llasera, Carlos Baute, Gonzalo Mir and Jos Luis Garca Prez.

The joke to lvaro Morata It consists of his attendance, together with his teammate at Atlético de Madrid, Marcos Llorente, at a solidarity event between the Atlético de Madrid Foundation and the Pozuelo Football Club. An act that is cut short by a cut in the pavilion’s computer network. An outage that they later discover is due to the fact that the entire country is suffering a cyber attack that puts national security in check.


lvaro Morata in his acquittal from the Gala Inocente Inocente

Remember Jones He goes on a television program to give an interview, in which Inés la Maga also participates, a chaotic and peculiar magician who ends up convincing the influencer to collaborate in one of her tricks, getting him into quite a bind.

Tania Llasera She visits the CNIC to learn about a pioneering scientific study, and which, although she does not know it, she discovers that she has outstanding neural abilities that have led her to be in a very selective group of humanity.

Carlos Baute He is invited to a High Technology Center to talk to an Artificial Intelligence named Leonardo. However, and to the artist’s surprise, he has a twisted mind, and when the singer discovers it, it will be too late.

Gonzalo Mir He has a work meeting with an extravagant millionaire who offers him an audiovisual project in America, and as he gives details about the matter, he begins to be surprised.

On the other hand, Jose Luis Garca Prez He acts as his friend Lex Odogherty’s assistant on a cooking show to promote a book of traditional recipes that he has published, although the actor does not know that the presenter already has her own plan to promote herself.

From 10:00 p.m.

All of them will make the gala a very special moment. A gala that can be enjoyed in TVE’s 1and also from the website of RTVE Play, starting at 10:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time. A gala in which you can help by calling 900 30 30 52, accessing are pagina’s webor through PayPal or Bizum at 33379.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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