Gonzalo Bernardos' warning to young people who want to buy a home: They cannot afford to live, father.

The price of housing continues to be one of the great concerns that young Spaniards who want to become independent and purchase or rent a home have to face. To explain the complicated economic situation that these young people are experiencing, the economist Gonzalo Bernardoswent to the La Sexta program this Saturday, The Sixth Explainsto debate and analyze this problem.

Although today’s young people want to leave home as soon as possible, the economist points out that one of the big problems that makes it difficult to become independent is the lack of savings and excess spending of some young people. A kid who wants to save to buy a home He takes three vacations, eats in good restaurants two or three times and has fantastic weekends.comments Bernardos.

There is a very important topic here. Saving takes effort, you can’t spend your life father and save at the same time. Here what happens is that the sacrifice has been lost to a substantial extent. Here, older people do not spend and young people spend as if there were no future, the economist points out as the main drawback for the youngest.

An explanation that is not very applauded

Given the analysis that the economist presented during the program, there were several collaborators such as Afra Blanco who were contrary to Bernardos’ explanation. Good good. I mean, there are times when I really hallucinate. As if my parents’ generation didn’t like going on vacation or eating in good restaurants.responded Blanco.

After this comment from the collaborator, Bernardos did not hesitate to interrupt her to reply: They didn’t do it, at most to the town and for four euros. Finally, Blanco replied stating the following: It is clear that interrupting does not replace ingenuity. The x-ray is that there are three generations that do not have property.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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