The numerous benefits that come with a job at Google made the company attractive to many employees – but they also cost a lot of money. Now the management wants to save a lot on food, leisure activities and notebooks.

CFO Ruth Porat announced in an email to workers that cuts would be made to employee services. “These are major, multi-year efforts,” it said. However, some of the deletions that are made are not exactly big, as can be seen from the letter from the US broadcaster CNBC could see.

Among other things, there is also talk of the fact that there will not only be fewer free fitness courses on the group campus, but that less consumption of staplers and adhesive tape is also being sought. In addition, employees will have to accept that they are less frequently equipped with more up-to-date notebook models.

Chrome instead of MacBook

Google employees who do not work in technical functions but need a new laptop will in future only receive a Chromebook as standard instead of the previous MacBook. These devices are not only cheaper per se. Due to their cloud orientation, they should also require less effort in administration and maintenance by internal IT support.

One of the company’s key goals for 2023 is to “deliver lasting savings through improved speed and efficiency.” Porat said in the email. According to the manager, it is particularly easy to implement savings in the internal programs for nutrition, fitness, massage and transport. Ultimately, there should be a reduced offer here, but according to Porat, these are still designed for a situation in which Google employees came to the office five days a week – this has not been the case since the Corona period anyway.

See also:


  • Savings on services are announced to Google employees.
  • Cuts affect, among other things, fitness courses, work materials and notebooks.
  • Instead of MacBooks, employees only receive Chromebooks.
  • The aim is to achieve savings through efficiency.
  • There is a reduced offer for nutrition, fitness, massage and transport.
  • Savings should be permanent.

Notebook, laptop, employee, office, work, workplace, desk, working, break, brainstorming, cluttered, coffee break, tea break


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