Group of citizens wants Texas to be a country

For the promoters of the call “weaves” (Texas exit), the current “war” between the administration of Democrat Joe Biden, severely influenced by a progressive (socialist) ideology, and the state government of Republican Greg Abbott evidences a break in the Union.

“The only way for Texas to secure the border and have a sane immigration system is for it to do so as an independent nation,” says Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), created in 2005 but which had never “been as close to his goal as he is now.

In the 19th century, Texas was part of Mexico. After a war it became independent in 1836 and was republic until its incorporation into the United States in 1845.

There are 10 European countries within the territory of Texas and it continues to be the state with the greatest economic growth in the United States.

With 268,820 square miles of land area, Texas is the second largest state in the country, preceded only by Alaska, which explains the variety of landscapes. It is larger than nations like France, Ukraine or Burma and if it became a country it would rank 39th on the planet.

Miller explains that “Texit” is similar to Brexit, through which the United Kingdom left the European Union. He assures that Texas shares history and interests with the United States and that its inhabitants will continue to be “Americans”, but he feels that Washington does not understand their problems, “complaints similar to those between Catalonia and Spain.”

The group asks that the Texas Parliament approve a referendum law in the second most powerful economy in the United States (behind California) and the eighth in the world, valued at almost 3 billion dollars.

Chris Powell wears a cap with the phrase “Make Texas a Country Again” (Let’s Make Texas a Country Again), reminiscent of “Make America Great Again.” He also wants independence because he rejects children reading “pornography in schools, gender theories and instilling in them a progressive (socialist) ideology.” Married to a Mexican, he clarifies that all those who “want to live in peace, support their family and work hard” are welcome.

With great oil wealth, Texas represents more than 8% of US GDP and its economy is in the top 10 in the world.

Texas is known as the Lone Star State.

When it belonged to Mexico, its territory covered a part of what is now known as Coahuila and what is Texas. This territory had a flag with two gold stars in the middle of green, white and red stripes.

Following its Independence, the Republic of Texas officially adopted the Lone Star Flag in 1839. According to the Historical Association, the colors red, blue and white “represent bravery, loyalty and purity.”

Is the idea of ​​Texas independence gaining strength?

During the Civil War (1861-1865), Texas was part of the southern states that fought against the northern states for their independence.

Joshua Blank, research director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin, explains that the secessionist movement has always existed, but remains “marginal.”

However, some analysts and journalists believe that Joe Biden’s government Biden increasingly corners the majority of citizens in Texas who cry out for a definitive solution in immigration and the border closure after three years of serious social and economic problems as a consequence of the failed “Open Door” policy implemented by the White House.

Blank maintains that the border conflict between Texas and the federal government “has created a situation that this group has tried to exploit to make their views seem more plausible.”

Misty Walters, a stay-at-home mom who was at Miller’s event, says that “Texans are being invaded” and that “Texas needs to stand up and better protect its citizens.”

The immigration issue is key with a view to the November presidential elections where, barring any surprises, Republican Donald Trump and Biden, who is up for re-election, will face each other. In fact, both are traveling to the border this Thursday.

A February Texas Politics Project poll shows that 26% of respondents feel Texan first and then “American,” up from 27% who believed the same in 2014. “Nothing has changed, and it doesn’t mean that 26% want to get divorced.” of the United States,” says Blank.

But what has changed are the conditions and pressures to which Texas residents are subjected under the irresponsible policy of Joe Biden and this could give way to the rise and creation of other independence groups. The trend, although Blank indirectly denies it, has gained strength on social networks and in independent spaces on the internet where politics is debated.

There is the idea of ​​”a uniform ‘American’ culture that is often related to whiteness (…) And to the extent that there is a crisis on the border, fears are generated among those who consider this idea valid,” he explains.

Meanwhile, a recent poll published by Newsweek this month shows that 67% of Texans want to remain part of the United States.

The greatest concern is that these groups sow the seed they want to germinate and the fertilizers are the erroneous policies of the left and the extreme left in the United States.

Strong support for Governor Abbott

Tired of crying out for help and reaction to the Joe Biden administration, Governor Greg Abbott and Texas legislators have decided to protect their borders with laws that in some sense contradict federal provisions, but that the majority of Texans and state representatives agree with. agreement to assume. And this is another very important point within the possible impulse of this idea of ​​independence.

In Eagle Pass, the southern tip of Texas, Abbott militarized Shelby Park, which has an exit ramp to the Rio Grande, and fenced off part of the border with barbed wire, accusing Biden of failing to protect the country. Washington took the case to court, because border control is federal jurisdiction.

Miller compares the scenario to what happened in 1835, when the Texans refused to return a cannon loaned by their government, Mexico, raised a flag with the motto “Come and take it” and began their war of independence.

As with the canyon, Miller says, what happens in Shelby Park “is a small part of a big problem“, which shows “the broken relationship between the federal government and the states“Although this time he hopes for a peaceful process.

To Blank, “Texas could not secede peacefullythe United States would not negotiate with them on favorable terms.”

The biggest indication that what this group of independentists is proposing is not as crazy at the current time as it seems, and beyond the survey by the leftist Newsweek, is the government’s refusal state to comply with an order from the Supreme Court of Justice in Washington that ordered to remove the wire fences put up by the army and allow access to federal agents, who deliberately allow mass access of immigrants.

Abbott’s forceful response to the Supreme Court’s decision and against Joe Biden’s government, with the support of more than 20 states in the country, ignites many alarms.

Be very careful with the intentions of the extreme left to destabilize the United States, the situation can become extremely tense and too dangerous if they want to continue with their irresponsible and ill-advised plan.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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