Guti's message after the evacuation of Zayra Gutirrez in Survivors

Zayra Gutirrez has become one of the protagonists of the second Survivors 2024 gala because of the health problems he has been going through for several days. The program’s medical team decided to evacuate her last weekend to perform the relevant tests and this Thursday, Jorge Javier Vázquez confirmed that the young woman must remain isolated until the results of the tests are known.

A piece of news that has fallen like a bucket of cold water on the contestant who explained to the audience that she is tired and desperate in the face of such a situation. In fact, Zayra Gutirrez stated that she would not mind leaving the reality show to return to Spain. Given these words, The Survivors organization allowed her to have a brief conversation with her boyfriend Miki Mejas who was present in plat.

Miki Mejas sent her a most reassuring message making it clear that everyone was with her and that their common son was very well. The baby is great and when he sees you in the afternoons he smiles. I am delighted with you, the young man told him. As if that were not enough, Zayra’s partner took advantage of the opportunity to send the contestant a message from her father Guti.

Guti’s advice

The Real Madrid legend is one hundred percent with his daughter. He is very proud of you, that you remember what you have been taught at home, that you continue with this program and that you concentrate on it, that you are doing a great contest., Miki Mejas tells Zayra Gutirrez after having a conversation with her father-in-law. A message with which the young woman could not help but burst into tears.

Likewise, Zayra Gutirrez’s boyfriend also made it clear to her that her mother, Arantxa de Benito, is totally dedicated to her little girl’s competition. Your mother and your brothers, added the young man.

This depends on your strength, your head… The pains come and go, but you go for it, for the contest, my lifeconcluded Miki Mejas before Jorge Javier Vázquez put an end to the connection with the other side of the Atlantic.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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