"Harrison Ford was the host": the new Captain America tells what it has been like to work with the legendary actor within Marvel

Despite the actors’ and writers’ strike, Marvel continues to prepare behind the scenes one of the most anticipated productions of the new UCM era: Captain America: Brave New World. The Cap’s fourth tapestarring Anthony Mackie, will be a before and after in the saga, especially due to the arrival of Harrison Ford to the franchise.

During the filming of the film, the actor who plays sam wilson has described as “surreal” Harrison Ford’s passage through the Marvel cameras. Through an interview with The WrapMackie said that working with the legendary American actor has been an incredible experience, highlighting above all the desire that Ford had to shoot for the UCM.

“Harrison was the shit, man. It’s funny, he shows up and everyone’s like… you know, you don’t know what to do with Harrison Ford. I was surprised at how light-hearted and easy he was, how excited he was to be a part of this For him, having been in this profession for so many years and seeing him at 80 excited to be part of this universe was really great and put things in perspective of how lucky we are, how lucky I am to be part of this and give bring these characters to life. So we had a good time.”

Throughout the interview, the actor did not stop praising Ford’s work, commenting that it was one of the “leaders” in the filming, despite the fact that he had recently arrived at the UCM. The scenes in which the actor appeared flowed perfectly and his time in the production was exciting for many, since they were not aware that they were sharing a plane with a legend of the film industry.

filming of Captain America: Brave New World It is currently detained and was scheduled to premiere on May 3, 2024, but as a result of all the problems that occurred with the scriptwriters’ and actors’ strikes, the date was moved to July 26, 2024.

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