An instagramer shared a video on his account showing where to eat some giant milanesas in Buenos Aires. we give you the details

By iProfessional

15/04/2023 – 19,25hs

Milanesas are a foundational part of the Argentine menu, and going out to eat them in a restaurant is an act of faith, since it is placing trust in a stranger who we hope will prepare them with the same love and wisdom as our mother.

Being a relatively cheap dish, simple and quick to prepare, it managed to cross all social classes and reach the most inhospitable corner. Despite its certainly Italian origins, Milanesa is the most Argentinian dish of all.

That is why an influencer told which are the restaurants in which to eat the best milanesas in Buenos Aires.

3 places to eat Milanese in Buenos Aires

“In this video I am going to recommend three of my favorite places to eat milanesas in Buenos Aires“, he starts saying @clubdelbajon on his Instagram account.

“We start with the first one called The whimsical Resto Bar. And that it has stores in Palermo (Araoz 1197) and in Boedo (Carlos Calvo 4247). They are famous for making extremely giant schnitzels. Super rich and at a very good price. And they also have some terrible Milanese sandwiches,” he tells the influencer.

The second place you refer to is the craving“which is super famous because it won an award for the best Milanese several years ago. They have a wide variety of milanesas with different toppings, and sizes and the truth is that they are set sailand they have several stores,” he says. The stores are in Villa del Parque, Núñez and Caballito.

“Third place goes to the lamppost. A super historic place with many branches (they have between 15 and 20 stores spread throughout the AMBA) and that they have been for many years. They also have a lot of Milanese, with different toppings, sizes and various other types of food,” he concludes.

The landing of the Milanese in Argentina

Despite the fact that it had not yet become a popular meal, the milanese recipe already appears in the first Argentine cookbook: El Almanaque de la Cocinera Argentina from 1880. There was still talk of bone-in meat in the best Milanese style. It is clear that this Milanese recipe did not spread and The one that prevailed in our homeland is a humble first cousin from Sicily: the messinese cotoletta. A version made with finer boneless meat –for economic reasons– coated in bread and grated cheese, egg, garlic and parsley.

It is not clear why this was the version that became popular in Argentina, but surely it was due to the large number of Sicilians who arrived in the country at the beginning of the 20th century and, because it is a simpler and cheaper version than its elegant mother from Milan.

But it was not until the middle of the 20th century when this Italian preparation became purely Argentine and took on the great hierarchy of a noun: it became La Milanesa, and not a method of cooking a raw material –a la milanesa–. The first written record of this is found in the 1950 edition of the great Doña Petrona.

The Neapolitan Milanese, the most Argentine of all

The most Argentinean of Milanese: the Neapolitan

The myth tells that in the 50’s, a regular at a tavern in front of Luna Park arrived that night a little later than normal. He sat down and ordered the usual: a Milanese. The kitchen was about to close but they had one left, only one. The cook on duty cold it and because he was distracted it was toasted too much. He called the owner of the nightclub, a certain José Nápoli and asked him: and now what do we do. Nápoli suggested that he cover the toast with tomato sauce, ham and mozzarella and send it to gratin. The client was fascinated with the new creation and that same night, Nápoli decided to add it to his menu: milanesa a la Nápoli.

Some say that, like all myths, it is a popular fable and that the still life never existed. But if it wasn’t, the true story must have been much the same and it’s always better to believe in something. What is completely true is that the Neapolitan Milanese is a great Argentine invention.


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