Big head after a great party. What you should know so that things don’t get so bad on the first morning of the new year.

New Year’s Eve was nice, but on New Year’s morning you feel bad. The skull is pounding, the stomach is rumbling and the tongue sticks to the palate. What you can do so that the hangover doesn’t last that long.

How does a hangover come about?

It is not entirely clear why the headache starts when the alcohol has disappeared from the blood. Many doctors say it is caused by dehydration – i.e. lack of water in the body – and by the toxic breakdown products that are produced in the body from alcohol. Alcohol removes water and minerals from the body. The blood flow to the brain becomes worse, and headaches occur. Some experts also suspect that the “skull” is triggered by “a shift in electrolytes in the cells”.

Does it help if you eat something before the first glass of alcohol?

Well, alcohol gets into the blood faster on an empty stomach, confirms Astrid Donalies, a certified ecotrophologist at the German Society for Nutrition (DGE). When the stomach lining is covered with water-repellent substances such as fat and oil, the time it takes for alcohol to be absorbed by the body slows down. So you don’t get drunk any less, just less quickly. However, Donalies advises against eating too greasy food. “A good basis for the party is a light meal of high-fiber vegetables and raw vegetables with potatoes, cereals, rice or pasta.” Incidentally, the kebab or pizza after partying at 4 a.m. no longer has any effect.

Is post-meal booze really good for digestion?

It has nothing to do with alcohol, on the contrary. This can have a rather negative effect on the emptying of the stomach in the direction of the intestine. It is more the bitter substances of so-called digestive schnapps that have a certain effect. They stimulate special cells in the stomach lining to release acid. This can then simplify the digestion of the food in the stomach. Much better, doctors say, herbal tea would help. But the celebration will probably not really be left out.

Does “mess drinking” make hangovers worse?

“No,” says the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). In any case, there is still no scientific proof for the old saying “beer on wine, let it be”. However, it is true that drinks containing so-called fusel alcohols can make hangovers worse. The leader is wheat beer, which can contain up to 160 milligrams of fusel alcohol per liter, while vodka contains almost no fusel alcohol.

Does it help to drink water every now and then?

Yes. Alcohol has a diuretic effect. “With the water, however, it also deprives the body of vital minerals. It upsets the fluid and mineral balance and upsets the metabolism overall,” explains Donalies. “This can be prevented by drinking a glass of mineral water or apple spritzer from time to time. At the same time, this limits alcohol consumption.”

Does a counter beer kill the hangover the morning after?

No, it only stuns him for a while. Scientists warn that when he wakes up again, he is usually stronger than before.

What about the often mentioned Rollmops as a hangover breakfast?

If you like it. You’ll probably automatically drink more (hopefully non-alcoholic beverages) afterwards because the pug is very salty. But so are other dishes. That’s why you can also use smoked salmon or pickles, says a spokeswoman for the Federal Center for Health Education. Healthy things like fruit, yoghurt and honey should also help. However, none of this can be used to fight a hangover directly.

Can cold showers or strong coffee help break down alcohol?

Neither nor. The rate at which our bodies break down alcohol cannot be sped up, whether you’re sleeping or doing 100 push-ups. Depending on gender and weight, the human body breaks down an average of 0.1 to 0.2 parts per thousand per hour.

Does everyone actually get a hangover?

no Studies have shown for several years that 23 percent of people do not get a hangover even after heavy drinking. Unfortunately, the researchers still do not know exactly why this is the case. So if you’re not one of those 23 percent, there’s only one thing that can help: don’t drink.

Further information, among other things, is available on the Internet .

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