The Ukraine update in the morning: What happened in the night

The Russian spring offensive is on the verge of collapse

An analysis of the “Institute for the Study of War(ISW) According to the Russian spring offensive is on the verge of collapse – without Russia being able to record any major gains in territory. The ISW writes that the approximately 300,000 soldiers who were conscripted did not bring any decisive advantage either. Therefore, the military experts also analyze that future waves of mobilization should not have a major impact on the course of the war.

The ISW conclusion: “Ukraine is in a good position to take the initiative and launch counter-offensives in critical areas of the front.”

Putin: Thank you for China’s “balanced stance” on Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin receives China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping this Monday for a three-day state visit to Moscow. Before the visit from China, Putin underlined the importance of bilateral Russian-Chinese relations. They have never been as close as they are now, Putin wrote in an article for the newspaper Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily). The Kremlin published the Russian version of the text on its website.

The Kremlin chief thanked “China for its balanced position on the events in Ukraine”. China is considered a close ally of Russia. At the same time, Beijing has largely adhered to international sanctions against Moscow so as not to become the target of punitive measures itself. A peace initiative recently presented by Beijing was met with disappointment in the West.

Xi Jinping updated these Chinese ideas in an article for the Russian government newspaper Rossisjkaja Gazeta. He explained that any settlement of the Ukraine conflict would have to respect the goals and principles of the UN Charter. This includes the territorial integrity of all states. At the same time, Xi said the “reasonable concerns of all states in the field of security” must be taken into account. All efforts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis should be supported. It is important to maintain the stability of the global production and supply chains.

In his article, Putin welcomed Beijing’s willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the conflict. The two heads of state spoke out in favor of a multipolar world order that would not be dominated by one power.

The guest from Beijing comes in handy for Putin because he can show that he is not internationally isolated. China has not condemned the war against Ukraine and is committed to peace negotiations. It is also the first visit since an arrest warrant was issued against Putin for war crimes in Ukraine.

Zelenskyj: Russia will have to answer for itself

According to Zelenskyy, Russia will have to answer for all crimes committed in the war against Ukraine. It is about “responsibility for every attack on Ukraine, for every life destroyed, for every deported Ukrainian child.” The international arrest warrant against Putin for kidnapping Ukrainian children is “a really important result of international law for Ukraine”: From now on, clear that at the end of the war Russia would have to assume “the full range of its responsibilities”, said the Ukrainian president.

According to the Ukrainian General Staff, the fighting in eastern Ukraine continued to be violent. The city of Bakhmut in the Donbass will continue to be defended. Several attacks by the enemy were repelled there.

According to Ukrainian authorities, a Russian artillery attack killed three civilians in a village near the front in the Zaporizhia region. Two people were injured. According to the information, the house in the village of Kamianske was hit by shells from a Grad multiple rocket launcher (hail). Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed in an accident at a military training ground north of Kiev. The army announced this without details.

Baerbock: We help with weapons, money and reconstruction services

Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock promised Ukraine support for as long as it was needed. “As long as Putin bombs innocent people, breaks the UN charter and doesn’t withdraw his troops, we’ll try to help save lives by supporting Ukraine,” she told Die Welt newspaper.

This happens “with arms deliveries, but also with financial help, with medicines, with the reconstruction of school buildings, for example, or the water and electricity supply”. It is clear that peace and freedom cannot be created purely militarily in the long term. “But as long as the Russian president is holding the gun to Ukraine’s head, negotiations would be blackmail,” she said.

That will be important on Monday

Xi Jinping’s visit will begin in the second half of the day. According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, an informal meeting and a tête-à-tête dinner of the heads of state is planned. The official talks between the delegations are planned for Tuesday.

The foreign and defense ministers of the EU states want to discuss further support for Ukraine. The meeting in Brussels is said to be primarily about the procurement of ammunition. The background is concerns that Ukraine could soon lack artillery shells and other important types of ammunition.

Also Read: The Ukraine Update of March 19th.


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