Investing in a heat pump should be well thought out. There are advantages and disadvantages – when the purchase does not make sense.

The energy and price crisis in 2022 – many will certainly not forget it in a hurry. Especially since the after-effects of the energy crisis are still present. For energy products such as heating oil and gas, many had to consumer dig deep into their pockets. Millions of them are still waiting for the pellet and heating oil subsidy from the traffic light coalition. But the payment of the subsidy for heating oil and Co. is delayed – the reasons for this are surprising. Recently, however, many people have started to think differently.

Heat pump as an alternative to gas or oil heating: These are the advantages

Get rid of classic fuels and rely on new technologies instead. The trend is currently the heat pump. The term “self-sufficient” – making oneself completely or partially autonomous from the public energy supply – is becoming increasingly important. In addition, there is a lucrative government subsidy of up to 40 percent for a heat pump. The heat pump is becoming increasingly interesting as an alternative to gas or oil heating, especially for owners. The Real Estate Association Germany (IVD) mentions further advantages:

  • Heat pumps have a long life expectancy and therefore offer investment security
  • Heat pumps are generally characterized by a high level of operational reliability
  • The operating costs of a heat pump are low compared to heating oil or gas
  • The energy sources for a heat pump are available almost everywhere free of charge

Compared to gas or oil heating, the heat pump also has a major advantage: it works autonomous of fuels – the annual hassle with the delivery of heating oil or a contract with a gas supplier are no longer necessary. All that is required is electricity – ideally, this can be supplied by a solar system. Should you buy a heat pump now or should you wait and watch the development on the market? There is no general answer to this question for everyone. One thing is certain: in addition to the advantages, you should also be aware of the disadvantages of a heat pump.

designation of the grant Percent grant

Basic subsidy (“basic subsidy”)


Heating exchange bonus


Heat pump bonus


Sum of all government grants


Heat pump: know the disadvantages – these hurdles can become a problem

IVD Vice President Markus Jugan: “One of the biggest problems at the moment are the long lead times when procuring heat pumps.” This is due to limited production capacities and the shortage of skilled workers. The expert makes it clear: “The legally described time horizon for a climate-friendly heat supply can hardly be achieved.” From 2024, 500,000 new heat pumps are to be installed per year – at least that is the goal of the federal government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

But in addition to the high acquisition costs for a heat pump from 15,000 euros, there are other hurdles. The IVD makes in his communication – which our editors have exclusively before publication – draws attention to the disadvantages of a heat pump. Because after the purchase, challenges can also arise during installation and commissioning. These can be technical problems or legal requirements. All disadvantages mentioned in the message at a glance:

  • Conflicts with the legal requirements for monument protection and noise emissions can arise
  • The complex technical issues involved in installing and operating heat pumps often require additional external advice and support
  • Due to the complexity of heat pumps, maintenance is demanding
  • The installation of a heat pump is not always professional – installation errors can result in higher operating costs

Disadvantages of a heat pump: monument and noise protection – there is a solution for many things

However, there are often solutions when it comes to monument protection or noise issues. Geothermal heat pumps, for example, can be installed in the basement and soundproofed. Underfloor heating is also not absolutely necessary. Sven Kersten from the German Heat Pump Association (BWP) in an interview with our editors: “The radiators have to be big enough.” In principle, however, heat pumps in old buildings do not have to mean a thorough renovation. Nevertheless, before making a purchase decision, you should get one heat pump be aware of the disadvantages – and if necessary find solutions in advance.

With regard to existing buildings such as old buildings, the IVD mentions the topic of hybrid heating systems in its communication. So a heat pump as the main heating – but this is supplemented by a second technology. The preference of many real estate managers according to IVD: The mix of a heat pump and – when outside temperatures are low – an additional heating system and the integration of solar thermal energy or electricity generated on site from renewable energies. It can also be tricky in apartment owners’ associations (WEG).


Heat pump: weigh the advantages and disadvantages – the expert sees this as an alternative in cities

The installation of a heat pump and the conversion of the heating system can have the potential for conflict. One problem can be the high cost of purchasing the heat pump. According to the IVD, another issue in owner associations can be the usable area for the heat pump. Ample common areas for setting up the heat pump If this is not enough, garden or basement areas may have to be used – if these belong to individual owners, it can be expensive.

“As a rule, a notarial declaration of division or a high level of financial compensation is then necessary,” reports the IVD. And a heat pump does not always have to be the best and only solution. Jugan’s prognosis for the future: “Heat pumps are just one building block in this transformation of our real estate portfolio. A supply mix will be the future.” Especially in the inner-city area, the supply must be provided without fossil fuels via a modern district heating network.

Heat pump is not an option for everyone: What climate-friendly alternatives are there

Especially since there is no perfect solution for everyone. The question – what kind of heating technology is an alternative – must be answered individually. In addition to factors such as the condition of the building and the financial situation, personal preferences or simply the space also play a decisive role. According to the IVD, other buildings would also have to be used in some cases heating systems come into use. Jugan: “Especially in large cities, there is often not enough space to set up a heat pump.”

The legislator is therefore well advised to maintain a certain openness to technology in the climate-friendly supply of heat – so the appeal of the IVD. Possible alternatives to the heat pump are pellet heating or modern oil heating. There is a government grant for pellet heating. New and modern oil heating systems work much more efficiently than old systems – but are not subsidized by the state. are for oil heaters cheaper to buy than heat pumps or pellet heating systems.

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