You are currently viewing "He’s a survivor" : moved, Romane Bohringer gives news of her father Richard

Invited in C to you this Monday, October 2, Romane Bohringer returned to her relationship with her father, Richard, who is returning to the stage.

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After cancer of the nervous system between 2014 and 2018, Richard Bohringer is doing better and will be back on stage on October 16. For this highly anticipated return, he will not be far from his daughter, Romane, who staged his show, but who also plays right after him at the Théâtre de l’Atelier. Invited in C to you this Monday, October 2, the actress returned to her relationship with her father and gave her news.

“He still has more under the hood”: Romane Bohringer proud of her collaboration with her father

This is not the first time that Romane Bohringer and her father have collaborated together. In 2021, Richard Bohringer, although quite discreet on screen, had a role in the series His Daughter’s Blurred Love which devoted an entire episode to him. This time, it is on stage that they meet, to the latter’s greatest happiness. “He still has some under the hood. I had the dream of making an object together again“, she confides to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. “I see the weather and I said to myself: ‘but what should we do?’ If I don’t do it, who will do it?“, she explains, having questioned herself. Finally, with her director, she proposed to the Théâtre de l’Atelier that the show preceding hers be that of her father. A very personal play since he is a cover of his autobiography in which he recounts all the stages of his life, “because he’s a survivor, of all that, of all that era“, confides her daughter.

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Romane and Richard Bohringer, a strong relationship

Richard Bohringer was a true role model for his daughter. “All my life I have seen an actor, a man, who remained a man all the time. I always heard him express himself, rebel, get involved”, remembers Romane Bohringer. She is happy with the example he has shown her and can’t wait to see him on stage again. Even if she staged 15 roundsthe play by Richard Bohringer, Romane affirms that above all she let him express himself and that she offered him a “cocoon” where he can be comfortable doing so. Richard Bohringer remains a master in the art of expressing himself.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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