In the municipality of Cuautepec, in the state of Hidalgo seven searches were carried out with which it was located for the second time a tunnel which was used to steal fuel, as well as two clandestine outlets and several bypasses.

As reported by the secretary of security, Salvador Cruz Neri, This is the second time that similar infrastructure has been found in the Valley area tulancingo, specifically in Cuautepec de Hinojosa.

From The Truth Newswe announce that this municipality in the hidalguense entity is considered a red light for the crime of ‘huachicoleo‘.

Huachicol tunnel found in Cuautepec

The tunnel was found after 7 searches

The location of the infrastructure occurred after carrying out an operation that lasted five hours in which 378 elements from various corporations such as the National Guard, Army, State Police and Investigation participated.

He indicated that they found a tunnel 4 meters deep and 25 meters long and inside it there were two clandestine intakes with several derivations and that they contained 38,000 liters of stolen hydrocarbon.

Cruz Neri also detailed that 10 people were arrested and 12 vehicles were seized, including a truck, three motorcycles, 2 kilos of marijuana and 200 doses of synthetic drugs.

In this administration in Hidalgo, he reported that 174 people who are related to the crime of huachicoleo and drug dealing were secured, who were made available to the authorities.

15,000 meters of high and low pressure hose were also seized along with 24 properties and 1,137,028 liters of fuel.

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What is Huachicol?

Hidalgo: They find a tunnel for a huachicol in Cuautepec after seven searches

Huachicoleo is the crime of illegally stealing gasoline

The ‘huachicoleo’ is the crime that consists of illegally subtracting fuel by using improvised intakes in some of the country’s oil pipelines.

This is an activity that has become very lucrative and has also become a problem that concerns Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal and State authorities.

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