Hogwarts Legacy is a huge success, there’s no denying that. Rich sales figures, lots of active players, great ratings and good feedback from the community make Warner’s coffers ring. But we wanted to know more about it, namely from you: What do you really think about the action role-playing game with the Harry Potter license? Which house did you choose, which features did you like – and above all: what rating would you give it? We started a short survey about this a few days ago. More than 4,500 participants have already taken part and several samples have shown that the results hardly change at all. That’s why we’re already drawing a conclusion today and presenting the results of our survey to you. Don’t forget: You can click on the pictures for a larger view!

Of course we have a lot of other articles about Hogwarts Legacy (buy now / €53.99 ) on offer. In addition to our test (and a second test of a slightly different kind), we also have lots of tips for you. There is also a travel guide through Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, questions and answers from the community and one or the other practical trick.

Question 1: What platform did you play Hogwarts Legacy on?

Unsurprisingly, most of you have played on PC, namely 48 percent of all respondents. Another 39 percent of you play the game on PS5, while Xbox Series S and X bring up the rear with 13 percent.

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!
Source: PC Games

Question 2: Which house did you choose?

Here three of the four houses deliver a close race. With 29 percent, the Ravenclaw house comes in first place. (Even though there were rumors that Ravenclaw was missing a quest!) Second place is shared by the two best-known houses, each with 26 percent: Gryffindor (known for Harry, Hermione, Ron, etc…) and Slytherin ( the house of Snape, Malfoy, etc…). Fourth place goes to the Hufflepuff house with a meager 18 percent. (Don’t be surprised: the values ​​have been rounded off, which means that some answers add up to 99 percent.)

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!
Source: PC Games

But which house is actually the best? If you are still unsure, here is our information on choosing a house.

Question 3: What rating would you give Hogwarts Legacy?

Sure thing: Most of you value Hogwarts Legacy very highly. More than 4,500 votes result in an impressive average rating of 90 points. This puts you well above our rating!

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!
Source: PC games

Question 4: Hogwarts Legacy exceeded my expectations…

Again, your feedback is very positive: 43 percent of those surveyed say that Hogwarts Legacy has fully met their expectations. A full 49 percent of our survey participants even found that Hogwarts Legacy exceeded their expectations. Only 7 percent say the game only met some expectations – and only 1 percent said the game didn’t live up to their own expectations at all.

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!
Source: PC games

Question 5: Are you a Harry Potter fan?

Of course, this question has nothing to do directly with the game – after all, you can also like Hogwarts Legacy without being familiar with the books or films. (At least that’s what our editorial muggle Chris claims.)

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!

Hogwarts Legacy: How You Voted!
Source: PC games

Nevertheless, we wanted to know from you how you rate yourself in the question, if only to be able to better classify the rest of your answers and your opinion on the game. Here, too, a fairly clear picture emerges: 41 percent of you are real Potter fans and go for the books and/or the eight movies. Another 47 percent say they like the books or films, but would not immediately describe themselves as ardent fans. Only 10 percent say they are not really interested in either the books or the films. The proportion of people who find Harry Potter stupid or who simply don’t understand the name is clearly in the minority at one percent each.

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