In Arana and other points on the periphery, the use of panels to generate electricity is growing / g. nail it down

In an advance towards the development of renewable energy consumption, the Provincial law that promotes the use of solar equipment was regulated. The objective of the regulation is to increase the number of neighbors who feed their homes with this type of sustainable sources and who can, at the same time, inject the surplus of home production into the electricity distribution network in exchange of economic benefit.

As of regulatory decree No. 2371/2022 of the Distributed Generation Law -15,325-, solar energy users may become “generators” by installing photovoltaic modules in their homes. They will be authorized to produce energy from renewable sources for self-consumption, and in addition, they will be authorized to incorporate part of that utility into the electrical distribution system in exchange for remuneration for that contribution.

To promote the activity, which seeks to boost savings in electricity service bills, stimulate a more efficient use of energy, and contribute to caring for the environment, the Province incorporated two tax exemptions for 12 years to those who Add to the proposal: the Gross Income tax for the injection of surplus renewable energy into the distribution network, and the Stamp tax on contracts signed by users with distribution companies.

How does the system work

An expert in the operation of solar energy collection and reserve kits, the treasurer of District IV of the Provincial College of Technicians, Gustavo Tavolaro, explained in detail how the electricity from the photovoltaic source is generated. “The equipment is made up of panels that capture solar energy, an inverter that transforms it and makes it possible to start, for example, a household appliance,” said the specialist and continued: “Now, it is also made up of batteries that store energy that can be used at night, when there is no sun”.

A solar team, according to Tavolaro, is prepared to power any building with energy, with the help of electricity that comes from the network or autonomously. It is possible to be in a place that does not reach the service of any borrower or cooperative and still operate a house with only solar panels; If the battery system is added, then the next day, even if it is cloudy or rainy, they capture some of the solar energy and you can be in illuminated environments.

This alternative energy generation system also allows it to alternate its operation with that of the distribution network: the inverter is programmed through a digital panel so that if it is cloudy and the solar equipment is not enough to feed the consumption it needs the house borrows the supply provided by the distribution company.

Other details of the law

The regulation of the law designates the Enforcement Authority to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, and provides for the creation of the Registry of Renewable Energy Users-Generators of the province of Buenos Aires (RUGER), within the scope of the Electric Power Control Agency. of the province of Buenos Aires (OCEBA), where the generating users (UG) registered by the provincial and municipal distributors of electrical energy will be recorded.


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