How does multivote work?  The novelty that Telecinco incorporates in GH Do 2

Telecinco maintains its dynamic of releasing programs after the broadcast of the first two installments of the new edition of The Island of Temptations. Taking advantage of the return of Big Brother, the network will launch GH Do this Thursday, a coexistence format in which the permanence of the contestants will depend on their companions.

Once again, Marta Flich and Ion Aramendi will lead this experience for which there are only three confirmed participants: Elena Rodríguez, Luca Onestini and Ana María Aldn. In addition, another novelty will be the prize at stakethen it will drop from 100,000 euros in the last edition to 50,000 in this one.

The great novelty that this edition of GH Do will introduce will be the multivoto. The audience, as always, will be in charge of deciding which nominee deserves to continue on the program and who does not. Until now, only one free vote could be cast in the Mitele application, but from this new delivery, five can be distributed among all the people involved. Additionally, as the chain explains, each time a vote is paused, the five votes per user will be renewed.

Surprise contestants

The biggest unknown of all Big Brother formats is that until the last moment no one knows with which companions they are going to share the experience. Beyond the three confirmed names, it is not even known how many participants this edition of GH Do will have.

In addition, the format in question has the peculiarity that the pairs of contestants have common accounts between them. For example, in its first and only edition, Kiko Rivera and his wife, Irene Rosales, participated together; Alejandro Albal with his ex-partner, Sofa Suescun; or the loving trio composed of Ylenia, Fede Rebecchi and Raquel Lozano.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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