A bakery from the neighborhood the tripe He suffered from the insecurity that in recent times has been frightening the entire neighborhood. It was a criminal episode that occurred this last Friday in hours of the day in the business located at diagonal 79 between 65 and 66. the author was a young man armed —who would have been about 22 years old— who threatened the employee and one of the customers who was inside to end up taking the money from the cash register and various belongings of the victims.

was the client of 52 years who revealed the story of everything that happened inside the bakery after having deviated from the road to his house to buy “three buns.” “The girl kindly took care of me and since the front door was locked, when she opened it, this criminal, about 22 years old, immediately appeared and he put the firearm in her belly. It was a horrible moment,” said the victim in dialogue with The day.

When they both see the weapon, the weather becomes frightening and it was the reason why neither tried to thwart the robbery, beyond the fact that it was a single person. Then they both got on their knees behind the counter, where the criminal indicated, and gave everything possible for him to leave.

At that time, he emptied the cash register and went through the belongings of each of the two victims. “He stole the girl’s backpack, the money she had in her wallet, and her cell phone. She also left with the proceeds from the bakery, and she took between 8,000 and 9,000 pesos I had, my cell phone, and asked me for the key to the door. the bike—a brick-red Yamaha—with which he sped away”held.

In the same way, he maintained that he was also on the verge of being faced with the criminal’s weapon. “I begged him to leave me my cell phone, I need it for work. Also to leave me my wallet, even if I took the money from him. Then he got annoyed and warned me to shut up or he would shoot me in the chest.”

“He was very lucid, to the point that he at least accepted what we asked the seller to empty the money from our wallets but leave them with our documentation. And he threw both wallets at us without the money”he clarified.

In his account, he describes him as a boy of “about 22 years old”, white complexion, light eyes and wearing a jacket that covered part of his face and a white cap. In this way, the young man managed to flee on the client’s motorcycle with almost 30,000 pesos and the victims’ phones. The police are currently reviewing the security cameras in the area to locate him but he is still on the run.


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