I'm always ready for change

TOULOUSE.- The actress mexicana Teresa Sanchezguest of honor of the festival Cinelatino from Toulouse and protagonist of hits like That’s right o Two seasonsrecognizes that she is experiencing a sweet professional moment, which she attributes to a simple motto: always be ready for change.

“I feel like I’m waiting for it in general, I’m always ready for change,” she explained in an interview with AFP during this festival held in the southwest of France.

Quite the opposite of her most recent triumph, the role of María, a stern tequila producer in Two seasonswhich earned him a special jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival (United States) in 2022.

With an eternal smile, Teresa Sánchez has a four-decade career in theater and film behind her, but it took her four years to master the character of María.

“I was very scared. I felt responsible for the challenge of playing a character so opposite to what I had done and what I am,” she revealed.

The role of María was cut to size by the new Mexican director Juan Pablo González, who won the Corazonada de Toulouse award last year.

He is a character with few words, masculine, who represses his emotions under a mask.

And that challenge became the greatest success for a 60-year-old actress who has been winning over big names in Mexican cinema such as Nicols Pereda or Lila Avils, with whom she filmed The chambermaid y That’s right.

Actress method

The role of a dreamy luxury hotel chambermaid suited Teresa Sánchez like a glove.

“It was so much easier!” he exclaimed with a big smile. “I know that playful part perfectly, I understand it completely,” she commented.

Teresa Sánchez confesses that what she likes most about filming is knowing about the other members of the crew, listening to their moods, their stories.

“Unlike María, who is total containment, I feel that I am not contained at all, that I am always exploding!” she said with a laugh. “I like adventure, that flexibility takes away my pain, it takes away my suffering.”

That generous attitude may surprise in the world of cinema, accustomed too often to stardom.

“Teresa Sánchez is one of those actresses that we have seen for years with magnificent roles, who give life to characters that do not always have their space on the screen,” Cinelatino programming coordinator Eva Morsch told AFP.

“It generates a fascination for me to know personalities”

And the actress, born in Mexico City – but living in Morelia (Michoacán) – assured that she has no means of the tensions that can be generated on a filming set.

“I find it fascinating to know the personalities, whether of the sound engineer, the cameraman… it’s like wanting to scratch behind what I have to do on a set.” “It’s something that fuels me a lot as a professional,” he added.

Teresa Sánchez confessed an unusual training: what she calls theater playback. “I have been doing it for seven or eight years, in Morelia,” he described.

Together with three other actors, he got on stage and invited the spectators to tell anecdotes, with which they improvised a sketchsometimes with the help of a musician.

On a shoot that could have its risks, but Teresa Sánchez does not lose her smile for even a second.

“It’s like coming in and cleaning my workplace,” he said.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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