You are currently viewing "I’m in a hole" : Francis Cabrel reveals that he might not release an album in the future due to lack of inspiration

Francis Cabrel was the exceptional guest of Daily this Friday, October 6, to present his new single. However, the singer confessed to being the victim of a breakdown of inspiration and to having no record in perspective.

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Francis Cabrel made a surprise appearance in Daily, this Friday, October 6. The singer from Astaffort in Lot-et-Garonne came to exclusively present his new single A piece of Sicre, in which he pays tribute to a Toulouse personality. “Claude Sicre is an extremely important Toulouse character for us, people of the south. I wanted to pay tribute to this city,” he explained. Very rare in the media, the interpreter of Bullfighting was accompanied by his daughter Aurélie, who produced this record. Yann Barthès therefore logically asked him if this song foreshadowed an album and the singer’s response was surprising.

Francis Cabrel could release another album

“No, no, I couldn’t wait to see it come out. It’s coming out on this little label, but there is no album in preparation“, he said. And we shouldn’t expect Francis Cabrel to produce a new opus in the coming months. “I don’t have any inspiration, I’m in a hollow there. And inspiration, and the desire to have inspiration”, he confided. He also explained the origin of this dead calm. “You said the first sentence when I arrived, 70 years old in a month and a half. I’m waiting for it to pass, I’m going to see the pain it causes and then if I get back into it, we’ll see”, he added. As for whether the artist could definitively end his career, he has not decided. “I can’t say that, but maybe one more, if inspiration returns. Maybe one, it’s still a lot of work.” he explained with a smile. The musician has nothing more to prove now. “I’m calm because I’ve been doing this job for forty years. I loved it. I still love it. I play the guitar every morning, it delights me, but I don’t chase the song that will absolutely be on the radio. My repertoire suits me so far. My concerts are going well. It’s sporadic. I’m not on stage all the time fortunately, that suits me like that”, he concluded. Statements which are reminiscent of the career of Jean-Jacques Goldman, who has retired from the world of music for years.

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The singer has distanced himself from show business for years

In June 2021 in Seven to eight, the singer had already mentioned his distant relationship with the world of show business. “I’m quite happy to have led my life like that, between appearances where I approach what we call show business, and long periods where I move away from it to live like a family man, a villager, quiet… “, he then blurted out.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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