Sunday, January 8, 2023 | 12:45 p.m.

The Misiones Police closed 2022 with a record number, seizing almost 23 tons of different types of drugs, according to different surveys carried out by the aforementioned provincial force.

The data provided to this morning paper indicates that during the past year more than 25 bunkers were dismantled and 20 people dedicated to marketing and distribution in different locations in Tierra Colorada were arrested.

The review highlighted that the centers with the greatest police intervention in the fight against drug trafficking were San Vicente, Apóstoles, Garupá, Posadas, Aristóbulo del Valle and Eldorado.

The police worked in conjunction with the Misiones Tax Agency.

Within the framework of the fight against drug trafficking, police officers seized in more than 260 procedures 22 tons of marijuana, 5 kilos of cocaine, 186 grams of crack, almost 100 cannabis plants and also vehicles used for the distribution of drugs with a capacity of approximately 5 and a half billion pesos.

In Eldorado, the largest amount of drugs in the province was seized in a single operation. There were more than 9 tons of marijuana collected in an abandoned house, located in a mountain sector.

The procedure was achieved after several months of monitoring and investigations, in which three men between the ages of 18 and 21 were arrested.

During the various interventions, vehicles were also seized.

On the other hand, in preventive posts deployed at different points, the police force intercepted various vehicles including motorcycles and cars adapted for the transport of drugs in various presentations, as well as motorcycles used for sale or distribution, called “narcodelivery”.

Most of the narcotics kidnappings were achieved due to excess loads in the vehicles, the lack of documentation and deviation from the stipulated route sheet, in order to evade taxes.

another record of the year

On the other hand, in other operations carried out by the Police, 115 trucks were retained throughout the year, with 3,300 tons of different grains illegally entered the province.

Among the smuggled kidnappings, soybeans, corn, beans, as well as alfalfa, oil, flour, birdseed and sunflower predominated.

Likewise, four agricultural machinery illegally entered the province were seized, for not having the pertinent documentation, as well as different types of pesticides.

On the other hand, the police investigators dismantled 2 important organizations linked to theft, forgery and fraud with automobiles, recovering around 60 stolen cars in other provinces and also abroad, which were brought to Misiones to carry out fraudulent maneuvers and then marketed to the public.

In figures


It was the number of retail drug kiosks that the provincial force dismantled throughout the past year in different locations


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