In Venezuela they cannot hold elections without me

CARACAS.Maria Corina Machadoopposition presidential candidate Venezuelaaffirms that the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice that ratifies his disqualification for the elections of 2024 shows, once again, the non-compliance with the Barbados Agreement by the Nicolás Maduro regime and the “criminal” nature of the operation, but it will not prevent their advance towards the Miraflores Palace.

In his first public statement regarding the court ruling issued on January 26, Machado called on the regime to “prepare because this is going to be reversed.” “Don’t play with people’s anger. There will be no fraudulent elections here. I received the mandate of almost 3 million Venezuelans who exercised popular sovereignty on October 22, and that I represent. They cannot hold elections without me or without those who voted that day,” he said.

The presidential candidate elected in opposition primaries, flanked by representatives of the parties that make up the Unitary Platform, as well as civil organizations and followers, established a position on the ruling of the Political-Administrative Chamber of the TSJ, which she described as irrational and which her lawyers have questioned. for being based on dubious trades. And she gave her statements in the middle of the street where the headquarters of her Vente Venezuela party is located, in the east of Caracas, to the shout of “until the end” from a mass of followers.

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To elections despite sentence

“Nicolas Maduro and his regime are determined to do whatever it takes to prevent my candidacy in the presidential elections, but we are going to defeat him; “this libertarian feat that has no turning back.”

Machado indicated that the regime’s action, which he described as an “expression of judicial crime,” became “the great lever that aroused the country’s rage and channeled the entire overwhelming and unequivocal result of October 22.”

“If they believe that they declared my disqualification, this January 26 they declared the end of this tyranny: that is the worst mistake they have made to date and it seals the defeat of this system,” he emphasized. And he added that “we are not going to stop.”

Although he refused to reveal the actions they will take in the near future, he expressed: “We know what we are trying, what we have to do, and what they are willing to do. The only thing left for them is to resort to violence and repression, in those tricks based on fear, but we have our well-thought-out move to overcome the obstacles one by one.”

Maduro breached the Barbados Agreement and negotiations

María Corina Machado then referred to the Barbados Agreement and accused Maduro of having broken the process and his word. “They changed officials, they have taken our people prisoner, they have vandalized our headquarters, they threaten those who hire our services, they violated procedures, they invented documents,” she said in the midst of harsh questioning.

After highlighting that the opposition “does believe that negotiation is a necessary tool for political change and peaceful transition,” he expressed his hope for a different negotiation where the word is kept and respected.

“The first requirement to negotiate is to have the courage to assume the costs of what was negotiated. The regime seeks to cover what is happening in Venezuela with chaos and uncertainty, but for us what is essential is to move forward, in the midst of adversity, to win. We are going to win and they must prepare to lose,” said Machado.

Later he stated that if there is a negotiation it is because the parties recognize that there is no rule of law in Venezuela, a country that occupies last place in the world ranking. “Everyone knows that the TSJ follows instructions, so the answer is not in the courts, but in a true negotiation and that this is satisfactory for Venezuelans, with a citizen organization.”

He thanked the international community for its support and ratified the alert: “They have to stop the actions of the repressive candidate Nicolás Maduro who resorts to terror because he is afraid of facing me, that free and competitive elections are guaranteed and that the date is set now, with the conditions and the candidacy that the people of Venezuela chose.”

(email protected)

Source: Press conference María Corina Machado

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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