Influencer Gracie Bon reflects on her body and self-love

MIAMI.- The influencer Gracie Bon, who went viral in recent days for asking airlines for seats for voluptuous people, spoke about the changes in her physique, and the decision she made to improve her health; an example that he claims was an act of self-love.

On Instagram, the model plus size He shared a photograph of what he looked like before he rose to fame on social networks. She pointed out that although she felt happy at that time, he overweight that his condition was affected body.

“21 years vs. 25 years. It all started with loving my 300-pound body. And yet many tell me: ‘but if you had loved him, you would have stayed like that and you would not have changed.’ The truth is that I loved him so much.” that I wanted to take care of him and decided to save myself,” he wrote.

In the publication, the 25-year-old Panamanian indicated that the extra weight affected her mobility and breathing, factors that were essential to think about living with greater well-being and working on it.

“At 21 I was not satisfied with complaining about my knee pain, nor was I satisfied with not being able to breathe well when I walked. I wanted more. And wanting more is fine, it will always be fine to do what is best for you and what makes you happy to you. Because in the end the only thing that matters is you,” he added.

Self love and health

Bon also confessed that he suffered rejection from his ex-partner, something that was also decisive in the search for a solution to the feeling he felt then. “I did everything I could to lose weight.”

Likewise, the young woman explained that after losing several pounds, she underwent surgery to remove excess skin.

“I am not satisfied with being young and complaining about my defects. I am not a hypocrite who tells you that everything must remain the same to be happy and that body positive It is to remain as you are. Do what is best for you and what makes you truly happy, don’t try to fit anyone’s standards, create your own instead. “It takes a long time to understand that beauty is only behind your eyes and I love all the beautiful versions of myself.”

Remember that a person is not healthy because they are thin or fit, and highlighted that each body has a different process. “We all have our times, processes and no one knows the condition or health status of an overweight person. So if you see someone going through a bad time because of their size, love them very much and understand that you don’t know what they are going through. Maybe that affection is all you need to see yourself with eyes of love,” he concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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