Jamie Dornan was hospitalized with symptoms of a heart attack after being poisoned by a caterpillar

Jamie Dornan He hasn’t had his best year. The actor, famous for his role as Christian Gray in Fifty Shades of Gray, had to be hospitalized after suffering heart attack symptoms caused by toxic caterpillars in the middle of his recent trip to Portugal.

His friend, Gordon Smart, was the one who spoke about this scare that he experienced with the actor in an interview given to the BBC podcast, The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected, where he also confessed that at first they both thought that his discomfort It was due to the party they had the night before, when they drank too much alcohol.

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  • The actor’s sister was the one who confirmed his death through an Instagram post, although she has not revealed the cause of it.

  • Jamie Dornan was hospitalized with symptoms of a heart attack after being poisoned by a caterpillar

    The 49-year-old performer married psychologist Jordana Jacobs in New York and under a snowstorm.

Your problems with processionary caterpillars

However, when they arrived at the hospital, the doctors told them that the symptoms they were suffering were due to an encounter with the processionary caterpillars, which are toxic. Some species that have thousands of small hairs that contain an irritating protein that can cause painful irritations to the skin, eyes and throat.

It all started when, just one day after starting his vacation, Smart began to feel a tingling sensation in his left hand and a tickling sensation in his left arm, which led him to think it was the sign of the beginning of a heart attack.. Now, I’m a pretty healthy guy, but once you start thinking you’re having a heart attack, you’re pretty sure you’re convincing yourself you’re having one, he added.

That was what led him to go to the hospital, where he was under the watchful eye of doctors and nurses. He stayed there for a few days, and when he returned to the hotel, he saw Jamie Dornan connected to medical equipment. Jamie told me: Dear Gordon, some 20 minutes after you left, my left arm, left leg, and right leg went numb, and I found myself in the back of an ambulance.. As he left the hospital, the paramedics asked him for a selfie, which is really what you want when they stretcher you out of a hospital room.

And, after a week, the doctor called the interpreter’s friend, who informed him that the symptoms could be due to the caterpillars: It turns out that on the golf courses in southern Portugal there are caterpillars that kill dogs and give heart attacks to forty-somethings. We had brushed against hairy processionary caterpillars and We have been very lucky to get out of this alive.. So there is my story; The good news is that it wasn’t a caffeine overdose, it wasn’t a hangover, it was a poisonous and toxic caterpillar.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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