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Harris says she is “proud” to have the support needed to be nominated and promises to “unite” the US against Trump

US Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed her “proud” to have secured the necessary delegate support for her presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention and has expressed his intention to “unite the party and the nation” to defeat former President Donald Trump in the presidential elections in November.

“I am proud to have garnered the broad support necessary to become our party’s nominee, and as a daughter of California, I am proud that my home state delegation helped elevate our campaign.“, he said in a statement published through his account on the social network X.

“I hope to formally accept this nomination soon”said Harris, who has announced that “over the next few months” will travel around the country to “speak to Americans about everything that is at stake”“I intend to unite our party, unite our nation, and defeat Donald Trump in November,” he said.

He also thanked President Joe Biden and “all” members of the Democratic Party who have expressed their support. “I hope to make our case directly to the American people,” he said, while arguing that “These elections represent a clear choice between two different visions”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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