John Leguizamo: Steven Seagal is a horrible human being

John Leguizamo has a very discreet affection for Steven Seagalwhom he met more than a quarter of a century ago during the filming of the film critical decision (1996), when They had a clash that did not leave the actor with great memories. and that I remembered again with a few words to Entertainment Weekly.

According to Leguizamo, Her relationship with Seagal left such a bad taste in her mouth that she was inspired by him to give life to her character in the film. The mena role where he plays a fading star.

Ms informacin

  • There was a time when the American actor achieved fame thanks to his particular style in action films, but over the years his figure has deteriorated due to numerous scandals.

I have met many stars like that, perhaps before they passed away. In a way, I based my character on Steven Seagal. I had a bad meeting with him. We made a movie together. She is some kind of horrible human being.says about the martial arts and action movie star.

A difficult shoot

He came in and said: I’m in charge. What I say is the law. Who the hell talks like that? Who comes into rehearsal and says that shit? So I started laughing and hit a brick wall with an aikido elbow, suffocating me.. I fell to the ground panting and asking why that was, Leguizamo says about this difficult moment with the actor.

Some problems thatas I told on another occasion, They started from the first day of filming the filmalmost thirty years ago, although it seems that he has never been able to forget what happened with Seagal.

In fact, in another interview, this time Los Angeles TimesLeguizamo even commented that he used to respect all the Hollywood stars in his monologues, except for this action movie performer. I’m not really attacking anyone on the entire show except Steven Seagal. During the filming I wanted to see him die. It was like a fantasy.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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