Jorge Fernndez publishes a photograph with his girlfriend for the first time

Despite starting to appear on television in 2001, Jorge Fernández has always tried to keep his private life separate from his profile as a public person. The presenter of The Wheel of Luck since 2006, previously chosen as the most handsome man in the country in 1999, has made an exception after a trip to Amsterdam.

The Bilbano has used his Instagram account to publish his first photograph with his partner Nora. A pose that clashes quite a bit with the familiar, but private, content that television tends to share. Accustomed to images of nature, extreme sports or his pets, taking the step of publicly introducing his girlfriend has been a curious novelty.

Jorge Fernndez and Nora were enjoying a leisure trip in Amsterdam. In the Dutch capital, the two have made plans to tour the city by bicycle, as he himself has also published on his Instagram account. The two, smiling along with the bicycles that have accompanied them along the way, posed on one of the many bridges in the city.

Together since 2017

Although the beginning of their relationship is difficult to date specifically because of the privacy that Fernández has always tried to maintain, the first time he was seen together with Nora was at the end of 2017. The two were sharing a skiing session, one of the sports that the host of The Wheel of Luck practices most.

It is known that she studied a degree of Senior Technician in Dietetics and who works in a clinic in Bilbao recommending nutritional plans to lose weight.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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