Mexico City.- The Attorney General’s Office (FGR) must initiate an investigation against the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell after a federal judge revoked the decision not to investigate the official.

The lawyer Javier Coello Trejo reported in a statement that it was the judge of Federal Control Specialized in the Accusatory Criminal System based in the South Prison, Arturo Medel Casquera, who annulled the decision not to pursue criminal action by the federal Public Ministry.

The complaint was filed in December 2020 for omissions that the official may have made during the pandemic and that caused thousands of people to lose their lives.

According to the judge’s resolution, there are many aspects to consider in the case, however, he recognized that the issue must be investigated.

“The matter is quite, I insist, complex, but it is a matter that precisely deserves that the various operators, including the prosecution, have that precious empathy, in that investigation, because they should not limit themselves solely to verifying and establishing what did exist, but precisely, to see what was not there, to see what was left to be done and precisely, to warn if of what was left to be done, it could have detonated, have brought that burdensome consequence, as it is at least at this moment. , the loss of the life of a person”, indicated the judge.

Specifically, it was detailed in the document that the criminal action was requested after the death of Felipe del Carmen Jiménez Pérez, who was infected with Covid-19 and died on November 25, 2020.

The man worked as a public transport operator, so his work activities were not suspended.

Before this determination, indicated the document of Coello Trejo & Asociados, on two occasions the FGR tried to stop the matter so as not to investigate López Gatell.

He also avoided consigning the investigation folder before a federal judge.

“The prosecution has to continue with its investigative acts. I have mentioned some aspects only in an illustrative manner, but not limiting, the prosecution is the one that has in its power that accumulation of actions that have been implemented and of that accumulation of actions, well You can consult with experts what other action could have been effective or was not carried out by the Mexican government and its officials, as in the case of the corresponding undersecretary. Then, based on that, the prosecution will be able to reach an exhaustive determination effective, where research itself has been exhausted”.


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