Kate Middleton apologizes for her manipulated photograph and says she retouched it

Shock in the United Kingdom. Last night the alarm surrounding Kate Middleton’s health after the main international news agencies and photojournalism (Reuters, AP, AFP and Getty) announced that they were stopping distributing the first official photograph published by the Princess of Wales after learning that she had been admitted in January for abdominal surgery, of which no further details have emerged until now, considering that it had been manipulatedwhich has caused the aristocrat to have to apologize.

The companies relied on details such as Princess Charlotte’s hand did not fit with the sleeve of her jacket, that Prince George seemed excessively tall or that little Louis’s fingers were not completely defined.. In addition, the absence of the Princess of Wales’s engagement ring was striking, the piece made up of an imposing sapphire that she always carries on her hand and that previously belonged to Lady Diana, her ill-fated mother-in-law.

Like many amateur photographers, I experiment with editing from time to time. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion caused by the family photograph we shared yesterday. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C. With these words, through the official social media accounts of the princes of Wales, the former commoner asked for forgiveness for having retouched this first and long-awaited image that only increased the mystery around the state of health of she.

Pictured, Kate Middleton She is sitting in a chair and surrounded by her three children, Princes George, Charlotte and Louis, the Princess of Wales.. Together with her yesterday, share the following message: Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the past two months. I wish you all a happy Mother’s Day. And he signed with the C for Catherine, a common practice for the heir couple to the throne of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to show with this gesture that it is not a message made by their orders to run the social networks, but rather it is written by themselves.

The photo, according to the British media, had been taken this week, and was the first since the princess had been admitted to the London clinic, where she was discharged on January 29 after undergoing an abdominal operation. However, despite the apologies, Kensington Palace has not published the original photograph.

Ms informacin

  • After the British army announced its presence in the Trooping the Color parade, scheduled for next June 8, it deleted the information.

Until now, The only image that had emerged of the Princess of Wales since she was last seen at Christmas time had been captured last week while she was co-pilot in her mother’s car., Carole Middleton. An image that coincided a few days later with the announcement by the army of her presence in the Trooping the Color parade, scheduled for June 8, which suggested that Middleton had already improved from her ailments. Although hours later the alarm went off, when the official website deleted that information and canceled the reappearance of the Princess of Wales.

Hermeticism and theories

Despite the publication of this photo with his children on social networks and the subsequent personal apologies for its excessive and erratic editing, the informative silence on the part of Kensington Palace, which seems to have nothing but problems, is causing all kinds of problems. of rumors about why the Princess of Wales was admitted. Since the Princess of Wales was last seen at an official event in December last year, little is known about how it is actually found. A hermeticism around her that has done nothing but trigger all kinds of theories about what could happen to her.

A mystery that has become a breeding ground for misinformation. In fact, shortly before leaving the hospital, journalist Concha Calleja said in Fiesta (Telecinco) that the Princess of Wales had undergone surgery without informing the people and that Kensington Palace had been forced to issue the statement after the post-operative period did not go well. The last time we saw her was at the Christmas meal and from then on she started to feel bad, it wasn’t the first time she felt bad, but it was the most worrying. Kate was admitted to the hospital on December 28, the journalist explained. The doctors had to make a rather drastic decision at that time because of these complications: induce her into a coma. She had to be intubated and a coma had to be induced.said the collaborator, who added that she had suffered serious complications not expected by the doctors, since the operation had gone well.

Prince William and Kate Middleton, arrives for a visit to the RNLI Holyhead Lifeboat Station, in Holyhead, Wales, Tuesday Sept. 27, 2022.


Prince William and Kate Middleton, arrives for a visit to the RNLI Holyhead Lifeboat Station, in Holyhead, Wales, Tuesday Sept. 27, 2022.Danny LawsonGTRES

When they give that statement, the entire postoperative period has already passed, that statement is necessarily made. Behind the scenes, there is a tremendous discussion to be able to say what statement is going to be given now. The truth of what happened, the truth of why she was operated on, what she was operated on, we will not know, unless the recovery does not progress adequately. And then I know that they will tell us the truth because we are going to see it, he added. And he also said that his life had been in great danger, and that the only concern of the Royal Family had been to save his life: The concern was palpable.

Likewise, Angela Levin also spoke about this hermeticism, the biography of Queen Camilla, who went so far as to suggest that the Princess of Wales was admitted to the London clinic due to a mental health problem. Which set off alarm bells among the British, who are afraid of a repeat of the story experienced by Diana Spencer, at the time, the people’s princess, who had to deal with depressive and eating disorders that were exacerbated by the problems in her life. marriage to the then Prince Charles.

For her part, the journalist from ABC and collaborator of Public Mirror Pilar Vidal claimed that the Princess of Wales’s abdominal surgery was related to a hysterectomy (an operation performed to remove the uterus and cervix), information that was also not confirmed by Kensington Palace. This type of operations will be indicated in cases of uterine tumors.cervical cancer or severe cervical dysplasia, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, significant and prolonged vaginal bleeding, uterine prolapse, etc.

And another of the hypotheses that is being considered regarding the admission of the Princess of Wales is that she had undergone cosmetic surgery after giving birth to her three children and having publicly stated that she did not expect to be a mother again. Since it was a plastic surgery (where the postoperative period could also have gone badly, coinciding with the conjecture pointed out by Calleja), Kensington Palace would have preferred to remain silent and not comment on the matter.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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