Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott sell mansion in Berberly Hills

MIAMI.- Kylie Jenner y Travis Scott They still have something more in common than their children Aire and Stormi: one mansin which they bought in 2018 for only 13.4 million dollars. However, despite having definitively separated more than a year ago, the celebrities have not yet been able to sell the property.

But it seems that the desire to continue moving forward and leave the ties behind is stronger, because after launching into the real estate market in 2022 at a cost of 21.9 million dollars, Jenner and Scott have agreed to progressively lower the list price as they cannot find an interested buyer.

In March 2023 it was located at 19.99 million and now it is located at 17.995 million dollars, reported TMZ.

According to the media, the socialite and the rapper had not had the courage to definitively cut the emotional link that united them to the property, and the listing was removed in September. However, everything seems to indicate that they have reached an agreement, and the mansion is for sale with a 10% discount, a significant figure in the market.

The property

Whoever manages to keep the house will be able to enjoy a luxurious space in Berberly Hills that has seven bedrooms, eleven bathrooms and more than 9,000 square feet of land.

The property also has a cinema room, a pool room, a gym, a massage room and, of course, a swimming pool.

Although this mansion was Kylie and Travis’s first together, it is not the only one they both own.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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