La Veneno's boyfriend, on the death of the artist: When I arrived, she was still alive

On November 9, 2016, he died. Cristina Ortiz, La Veneno. She had been admitted four days earlier to the La Paz Hospital for what was said to be an accidental fall, the memory of which she had tattooed in the form of bruises on her face, hands and feet. Thus left a trans icon, a reference for LGBT visibility, whose figure was even more vindicated after the premiere of Poison in 2020. Theories have rained down on that episode that suddenly ended his life, fueled, in large part, by the refusal of his friends and family to accept that it was a simple accident.

Each confession about his death is totally revealing. Therefore, the breaking of the silence that his last partner has exerted, Alin Bogdanin front of the cameras Research team It has been a turning point in all the rumors surrounding his death.

I had nothing to do with his deathanticipates Bogdan, who assures that, in fact, they thought long term and about a life together: We had plans to go to Romania, pay a girl to have a child and get married.. And then go on TV to introduce myself as his last partner.

Do you think I killed her?

This statement contradicts the letter that the program received from the Tetun police station, the content of which supported that she called the emergency services to ask for help because her partner wanted to kill her. It’s a joke she played, do you think I killed her? I don’t remember her calling and saying they wanted to kill her. I haven’t heard that call. Maybe I wasn’t even theresays Bogdan with a serious and cold face.

Bogdan has given an explanation for the injuries she had when she was admitted. About the foot, we once went to a junkyard to see a friend of his and he stubbed his foot. At home there was a large glass table that he and a friend broke. His blood pressure was very low and when he got up too quickly to go to the bathroom he got dizzy and fell, explains the Romanian, denying any rumor that implicates him in what happened.

Regarding the words of Esther Lago, one of La Veneno’s friends and with whom she was on the street, who assured that Ortiz reiterated to her that the Romanian wanted to kill her, she speaks out to reiterate the categorical nature of her falsehood: Is not true. Cristina and Esther had an argument and even hit each other. He told Esther to leave home. (the three lived together for a while) because I had returned, he wanted to make love to me and I gave him some time to look for a rental.

I remember perfectly that I went to get what I consumed and, when I returned home, the door was open and Cristina was still alive.says of the last moment in which he saw her alive, adding that, contrary to what has been said, she was not wearing a torn dress, but rather a white one with personalized holes.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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