We are not facing free and democratic elections in Venezuela

MONTEVIDEO.- He President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Poucriticized the dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the way in which the electoral process has been handled in the face of the next presidential election on July 28, stating that “They are not very willing to make very transparent elections”after the political disqualifications of opponents and the refusal to approve the electoral mission of the European Union.

“From the moment candidates are left out, without reason, without apparent justice, and from the moment observers are rejected, everything suggests that they are not very willing to hold very transparent elections,” questioned Lacalle Pou in an interview with the Chilean newspaper El Mercury.

The Uruguayan president once again defined the Maduro regime like a “dictatorship”. “If he has four legs, barks and wags his tail, he’s a dog,” he said.

Lacalle Pou asserted that “authoritarian governments” are “afraid of leaving power” and “all exit doors are closed.”

“I believe that authoritarian governments are basically afraid. Fear of leaving power, which should be natural, and they run forward and run over whatever it is, because they close all the exit doors themselves. Maduro All exit doors were closed,” he said.

In February 2024, the Uruguayan president also condemned the arrest of lawyer Rocío San Miguel and criticized the Maduro regime’s decision to prevent the nomination of opposition leader María Corina Machado, who was the winner in the opposition primaries on October 22. of 2023, which proclaimed her as the presidential candidate.

Rocío San Miguel is a human rights activist, who directs the NGO Control Ciudadano, and was arrested last February. She was charged with the crimes of treason, conspiracy, terrorism and association. According to the regime’s attorney general, Tarek William Saab, the lawyer is allegedly linked to an alleged conspiracy to “overthrow” Maduro.

“Break your eyes. It is a dictatorship. There are no free elections. Today again there was another person unjustly detained,” said the president. “He who doesn’t want to say it is him for a reason. Because if he barks, he has four legs and bites his tail… if someone doesn’t tell me that he is a dog, it must be for a reason,” said Lacalle Pou about San Miguel’s arrest.

Source: With information from Infobae

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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