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From September 13, 2023, Laurent Lafitte will be starring in the series Tapie in which he plays Bernard Tapie. For this role, the actor had to follow a special diet.

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This is the back-to-school series. On September 13, 2023, the history of the streaming giant with the red logo will be marked by the mini-series Tapie. Biographical fiction on the life of Bernard Tapie does not please everyone, this is the case of Laurent Tapie, the son of the former boss of Olympique de Marseille who died at the age of 78 on October 3 2021, which criticizes Netflix for having strayed too far from reality. However, the life of Bernard Tapie questions, inspires and even intrigues, enough to be retraced in seven episodes. In this biopic series by Tristan Séguéla and Olivier Demangel, we discover the ambition that pushed Bernard Tapie to become the man he became between the 60s and 90s. And to play him, who else than Laurent Lafitte?

The metamorphosis of Laurent Lafitte for the role of Bernard Tapie

To slip into the skin of Bernard Tapie, Laurent Lafitte almost transformed himself, without falling into caricature: “I created my version of Bernard Tapie. I didn’t work from archives. I didn’t record my voice so that it was perfectly like his. I wasn’t in the imitation”had entrusted the actor to Leisure TV about this role. So he created his own version of the businessman, apart “hairstyle and look”which he borrowed from him. “I started with everything that had been infused in me since my childhood. In the attitude, the voice, the banter, the energy, that’s my feeling. It’s my Bernard Tapie”, he concluded. Guest in C to youthis Tuesday, September 12, Laurent Lafitte once again spoke about his change of appearance to become Bernard Tapie, this time concerning his weight.

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To play Bernard Tapie, Laurent Lafitte had to lose then gain weight

It was Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine who started the subject. She asked the actor about his weight loss and gain to put on the Bernard Tapie costume. “There were visual appointments that I had to honor because we all have an image of Bernard Tapie in mind. So there had to be a minimum of resemblance”he said to justify the regime that was imposed on him. “I lost weight for the first part, because we were starting at 25, so he had a fairly slim figure”he began by saying before then addressing his weight gain: “And then he got a little thicker as he got older. We had a break for a little over a month so I could (gain weight).” To end the conversation, he joked: “That’s going very quickly.”before revealing that her diet consisted mainly of pizza and ice cream.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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