Lenny Kravitz shares previews of Blue Electric Light album

The rock star visited Mexico City to share some details of his 12 studio album, which he will release on May 24, and at the same time reconnect with a country that inspires him a lot.

Prior to the release of the album, Kravitz has already shared the songs, Human y TK421.

About Humansaid that it speaks of the human experience being spiritual beings.

About being our most authentic self, we all have a gift within us that was given to us by God, some of us use it and some of us don’t, he noted.

I believe we are all the most powerful when we are real about who we were created to be. The song is about the human experience, we come to this planet, as the song says, to be alive, to experience this learning process, he added. .

TK421 It’s a reference to the film Boogie Nights by Paul Thomas Anderson, one of Kravitz’s favorites, in which that nomenclature is taken from a character from Star Wars.

The song is about making everything in your life better, taking everything to the next level, Kravitz noted.

In the video of TK421 Kravitz appears happy playing on a gold-colored Hand-Chair by the Mexican artist and designer Pedro Friedeberg.

Lenny Kravitz’s relationship with Mexico

As you may know, I really like design, architecture, interior design, and yes I love that artist, I love that chair, it seems totally iconic to me, I have had it in my homes in Miami, in New York, in Paris, It is a very important piece for me, I highlighted.

In recent years, Kravitz has been photographed in unexpected streets of Mexico City, outside the tourist areas, and also as an audience at concerts, such as Paul McCartney’s at Foro Sol.

I love coming to Mexico, I think Mexico is so beautiful, it is so fashionable, so inspiring, many of my favorite designers, architects, are here, it is incredible. Filmmakers, I know you know what your country has done, they have conquered the world with incredible films, I find a lot of inspiration here, Kravitz said.

And yes, I can’t wait to come on tour here, this place is extra special to me, it always has been since the first time I came. When I came for the first time I showed up at the Azteca Stadium, I didn’t show up in clubs or build my way, I went straight there and it was the most incredible experience in my life, he added.

Kravitz performed at the stadium in 2002 and his last concert in Mexico City was in 2018.

Kravitz noted that on Mexican soil he feels as if he were at home in the Bahamas, the country where his mother, the late actress Roxie Roker, was originally from, and where Kravitz has a farm.

The rocker’s relationship with Mexico has also led him to partner with the sotol brand Noche Luna.

It all started when they sent him an unlabeled bottle that he loved for its smoky notes and flavor. Sotol is an alcoholic drink made with maguey native to the northern states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

“I had no idea what sotol was and then I found out that many Mexicans didn’t know what sotol was either and I was very curious how that was possible,” Kravitz said. I took a trip to Chihuahua to learn it’s not my culture, it’s their culture, but I like to amplify it and try to share this with the world so I was very honored to be accepted to join my Mexican brothers and present it to the world.

In mid-March, Kravitz, who is about to turn 60 on May 26, unveiled his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and is currently nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which is It would add to honors such as her four Grammys and her Fashion Icon award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA).

What makes me most proud is my life and that I am still here, that I am still extremely inspired, motivated, hungry, more than ever, for life, for creativity, for love, for family, connections, relationships, said the interpreter. of Are You Gonna Go My Way?, Fly Away, It Aint Over Till Its Over.

What do I have left to do in life? Everything, I feel like I’m just getting started, I feel like the first 35 years (of my career) have been a great education and now I’m ready to really start being who I am, he stated. .


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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