Given the need for affordable housing that the city presents, developers affiliated with the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) are looking for options to build houses within the reach of the people of Juarez.

Jorge Bermúdez Espinoza, president of the CMIC, said that as intermediaries they had a first approach with Infonavit to see what alternatives can be offered to border workers, with instruments that facilitate access to properties in this segment.

“There is a lot of demand for cheap housing because the worker does not have enough for a new one like the ones that exist right now,” he said.

The leader of the builders stressed that the intervention of the Government and the private initiative is needed to absorb the demand that exists in this segment of housing.

He stressed that meetings have already been held with Infonavit to also see what credit options can be offered to workers, which will allow them to access a new home.

“We are looking for what can be done on this issue because social interest houses will continue to be required and there is not much to offer right now,” he said.

The downtown area of ​​Juárez is saturated, in addition to the fact that land prices are very expensive, so the only possibilities for construction are on the outskirts of the city.

However, this generates connectivity and service problems, which is why he indicated that a team must be formed to work for the benefit of workers who earn less.

He mentioned that land costs have increased considerably as a result of the high demand they present, which makes the value of houses also skyrocket.

He considered that for this reason Infonavit has struggled to place the credits, even when there is a large base of workers to exercise them.

According to journalistic archives, the number of loans granted by Infonavit fell 10 percent in 2022. In total, there were 16,880 mortgage loans that were granted last year in the town, 2,000 less than the 18,800 of the 2021.

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