Loredana Bert, Bjrn Borg's ex-wife: She preferred cocaine to me

Björn Borg He is already part of the history of tennis, where he is considered one of the best thanks to his good work on the courts, and for records such as the one he maintains today, having won the Grand Slams of Roland Garros and Wimbledon for three consecutive years ( also known as the Channel Slam, in reference to the English Channel).

However, his personal life did not go so well. In fact, one of his ex-wives, Loredana Bertspoke in an interview with Francesca Fagnani in Belve about what her relationship with the 11-time Grand Slam champion was like, full of love, hate, fame and with vices involved.

The singer remembers the few details she received from the Swedish former tennis player: Bjrn Borg only gave me a cream and I bought it on the plane. And she also remains, above all, with the fact that she was left unable to be a mother: she wanted to have children, it is a regret that I carry inside: I hoped that Bjrn would be the father of my children.

Now, he also recognizes that they were both very jealous people: Borg caught me upside down. He was very jealous, in Stockholm he didn’t even send me to the beautician. Mine, from Milan, came to Sweden by private plane. I was also very jealous and would throw beds, sofas, chairs, even her trophies off the balcony when I got angry and I could go 48 hours without seeing him or knowing anything.. But this feeling of danger was very exciting.

Borg’s vices: drugs, prostitutes…

In addition, he has spoken of the former tennis player’s attempted suicide in 1989, when he ingested a large amount of barbiturates: I never understood why he did it. Cocaine addiction played a role in why we broke up. At some point in the relationship he preferred cocaine to me. I couldn’t accept it.

Regarding their separation, the Italian points out that it was in 1992, and after Borg asked for some prostitutes for his hotel room: We were in a hotel in Palm Beach, he had had an exhibition match. Back at the hotel, I called and He asked for two prostitutes, who came dressed in leather and with whips. I beat him up and left. When we returned to Milan I didn’t let him into the house. From that day on, it was over.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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