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The Spanish Formula 1 driver, Carlos Sainz, suffered an attempted robbery on Sunday at the doors of the hotel where he was staying in Milan. The assailants tried to steal a watch that has an approximate value of 250,000 euros, but they were unsuccessful in their mission thanks to the courage of Sainz, who chased one of the thieves until he caught up with him.

The news has had a great impact today, to the point that the former deputy for Podemos, Pablo Echenique, has taken advantage of the event to openly criticize the system. “An economic system that allows there to be guys who buy a 275,000 euro watch at the same time that there are 2.2 million children at risk of poverty and exclusion is a sick economic system”, wrote the scientist.

As expected, the message has received dozens of reactions, most of them critical of the politician. The old salary of him as a deputy, memes, users who defend that Carlos Sainz “spends his money on what comes out of the ground floor” and other types of comments have predominated as reactions.

There have also been celebrities who have commented on Echenique’s publication. From journalists specialized in Formula 1 to the singer and former contestant of Operación Triunfo, Luis Cepeda. “Pablo. Every time I open Twitter I get a post from you without me following you and they are ALL hateful towards someone. Towards the mayor of the PP of Cuenca, towards Carlos Sainz, towards I don’t know who has more dough than you… instead of proposing, you destroy. Shut up now, you’re a pain in the ass”, he wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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