Madonna shows image of Che Guevara during concert in Rio de Janeiro

MIAMI.- Brazil It was the scene of a massive concert free offered by Madonna. The musical event, which brought together more than a million people on the beaches of Copacabana, showed historical photos of different characters on its screens.

One of them was Ernesto “Che” Guevara. The image was taken by Alberto Korda, a photographer in which Guevara appears alongside the American actor Marlon Brando.

But what was seen on Saturday, May 4 in Amazonian territory is not the first episode of a sensitive issue. In October of last year during her presentation in London, England, a photograph of Che was seen next to Evita Perón and the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo while the performer sang Dont Cry for me Argentina.

The fact did not go under the table. From Brazil, local journalist Fernanda Salles criticized the projection of the photograph and recalled the homophobic attacks of the revolutionary.

Complaints about Madonna’s concert

Madonna’s show paid tribute to the communist terrorist Che Guevara, he wrote on his X account, adding that at the concert venue there were numerous people from the LGBTQ community, a group persecuted by Guevara.

(Much of the show would be sent to the firing squad if Guevara were still alive), which reinforces the inconsistencies of Madonna’s show, added Brazilian actor Marco Antonio Costa.

Madonna’s concert in Brazil not only raised criticism for the aforementioned photograph, it also aroused complaints from those who accused the government of President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva of paying for the show with public funds.

Among the artists invited to the event were the popular DJ Diplo, as well as the local singer Anitta.

The concert was part of the closing of The Celebration Toura world tour with which Madonna celebrated her more than 40 years of artistic career and which took her to numerous destinations.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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