Maduro regime assures that they are still at the dialogue table and insists on Machado's disqualification

The regime of Nicolas Maduro responds to the opposition’s complaints of non-compliance with the Agreements of Barbados behind the disqualification of the presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado. The governor of Miranda and member of the Commission Dialogue by the regimeHéctor Rodríguez, assures that they are willing to convene the commission to verify the agreements.

“We are going to create an expedited methodology that allows those who are not involved in assassinationcoups d’état, in blockades, in sanctions, who comply with Venezuelan laws and the Constitution to participate in the electoral process. What should come now is the installation of the Verification Commission and the Delegation of the Bolivarian Revolution,” Rodríguez emphasizes, during a press conference.

“If the Barbados Agreement has not been complied with in something and that is what puts it at risk, it is because of the attempts to assassinationbecause part of the absolute commitment is to renounce violence, coups d’état, attempted homicides as a way of doing politics,” he argues.

There was never talk of a candidate for authorization

Rodríguez cynically said that during the conversations with the opposition in Barbados “there was never talk about a particular candidate for qualification, nor about forgiving those who are involved in acts of corruption, crimes, calls for coups d’état, blockades and sanctions ”, he indicates.

Regarding the disqualification of the opposition candidate María Corina Machado, Rodríguez was sparing in his response by pointing out that this is now a decision of the TSJ. “There is absolutely nothing to debate about it anymore. They have to assume their responsibilities,” she says.

The Delegate of the regime highlights that the opposition in the meetings in Barbado agreed that elections be held in Venezuela and only candidates who comply with the laws participate. “If they really want to follow the path of democracy and peace, they have to assume their responsibility and condemn the acts of violence. “Dialogue is not a way to justify the blockade and sanctions,” he says.

“We remain open to dialogue, we continue sitting at the dialogue table, but without blackmail; “We have fully complied with the agreements signed in Barbados… Nobody is going to make us go back,” he confirms.

Disqualified persons are linked to violent acts

He insists that the politicians Disqualified persons are linked to violent events in the country, such as the assassination plans against President Nicolás Maduro, as well as the promotion of unilateral coercive measures that affect national development and the well-being of the people, which represents a failure to comply with the spirit of the own agreements and dialogues. Therefore, he demanded that the rules of the game and the decisions that are framed in the Constitution and Venezuelan laws be respected.

He maintains that dialogue does not occur to forgive crimes or violations of the Constitution. “Those who have violated the Laws and the Venezuelan Constitution, those who continue to violate the Laws and the Constitution cannot pretend that they will not assume the responsibilities as established by our Constitution.”

(email protected)

Source: Europa Press, VTV,

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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