Maduro's fear of a crisis in his regime is much worse than what he shows

MIAMI.- In Venezuelathe regime Nicolas Maduro is going through its worst political moment, despite the messages of strength and dubious conspiracies that they spread in the middle of an election year, and this is due to fear of the consequences of their mistakes and the most recent events at times of “internal boredom” of the Chavismo, maintains analyst Pedro Burelli.

“The conspiracies with joke names, the alleged assassinations, the arbitrary arrests, the demotions of officers and now the forced disappearance of the lawyer Rocío San Miguel (director of the NGO Control Ciudadano), and four members of her family, show us that what Maduro fears is more serious than what we Venezuelans realize. The procession really goes inside,” Burelli wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter.

Burelli, who was a member of the board of directors of Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) until 1998, analyzes the political crisis in light of the most recent events and assures that “despite the fact that some commentators recommend giving up and coexisting with organized crime From the State, the reality is very different,” he said.

And he refers to the “deep boredom” that exists within Chavismo, particularly with Maduro, his wife Cilia Flores and the brothers Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez, vice president and Minister of Finance and president of the National Assembly, respectively.

Maduro’s mistakes

“This boredom has particular virulence in the FAN (National Armed Forces) despite being fragmented, demoralized, and highly criminalized, the majority of the component is deeply anti-Maduro and his clan,” said Burelli.

He added that this occurs while the Cubans brought by Maduro to the country “work in exchange for oil to detect and neutralize any officer or group of them that they perceive as a threat.” This with the intermediation of the Minister of the Interior and Justice.

“The truth is that they no longer give any more and they, the Cubans and their clients, fell into the paranoid spiral that always ends up imploding tyrannies. “They see enemies everywhere and they go after them without order or logic.”

Burelli mentioned that adding to this climate is the “disaster of the primaries that they allowed” because they were sure that María Corina Machado would win a very sparsely attended election, on October 22, 2023. “A big mistake that they have tried to patch since day later at the point of own goals.”

The analyst referred to the December 3 advisory referendum on Essequibo in which the military “were exceptional witnesses of the almost total absence of voters and also of the monstrous invention of ‘voters’ by the worst CNE in history.”

He specified that the consultation was not made to distract attention from the overwhelming result of the primaries, “but to respond to very tough questions within the FAN.”

Essequibo at risk

Burelli affirms that the majority of FAN officers consider that there is “a high risk of losing Essequibo due to errors that Maduro and Delcy Rodríguez committed in the political and legal strategy they outlined.”

“The lawyers consulted by the high officials agreed, according to several sources, that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was reached due to clumsiness and that once in The Hague error after error has been committed, from what the experts see “It is unlikely that the Court will reverse the Arbitration Award of 1899,” said the political analyst.

At the same time, Burelli explained that Maduro, together with the Rodríguez Gómez brothers who are his main operators in the Essequibo strategy, is perceived as responsible for the irreversible loss of a historic claim.

For many officials in the FAN, this is “a good excuse to get rid of Maduro and also blame him and his henchmen” for everything bad that has happened since Chávez left for Havana.

Maduro facing something more serious than he supposes

Burelli assures that Maduro “is aware of his crimes, his horrors and his mistakes,” so he would know the consequences of these events. “No wonder he is afraid. Very afraid. Fear that does not allow him to govern, or sleep, or think that each repressive action is to further open the ditch that has a deep and unavoidable destiny.”

And he added: “We are in the most serious hours of a regression marked by hours and days that we believed were the worst. No, the worst is yet to come. Fear is transferred from the people to their executioners. Today those who felt invincible see themselves defeated. How far will they try to go to fight against the force of gravity?

Source: Pedro Burelli in his X account

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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