Mari ngeles Grajal, operated almost life or death

Let’s rub Grajalpulmonologist and well known for being the widow of the controversial bullfighter Jaime Ostoswhom he always tried to calm in his run-ins with the gossip press, He has started the year recovering from an almost life or death operationas she herself has told in an interview with the newspaper ABC.

It all happened on the night of December 24, the day before Christmas. They had to admit me to the emergency room to do a bypass iliofemoral because I had circulatory failure in my right leg and it was horrible. Almost life or death, says the doctor.

Since the 22nd I noticed that I had little feeling in that leg, but since I had been dancing in a Christmas zambomba I thought it was from fatigue.. When they took me to the emergency room at the Zarzuela hospital Dr. Fontcuberta told me I had a two percent flow. It was very serious. They operated on me immediately and then I spent three days in the ICU and another three in the ward, explains the social.

Hoy I think I’m very tough, like the Cid CampeadorWell, I’m already walking, especially in the mornings, although I rest in the afternoons, he adds.

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I have stopped smoking and between the monkey business of going eleven days without tobacco and having to assume that I have had a very serious risk factor in my life and all the consequences that arise in my profession, it has been taking on a lot in a very short time. But I have to thank my son, my sister and Pepe Ganda (his current partner and businessman). With them I am overcoming everything, says the doctor about who she is relying on to overcome this health mishap.

The care of what is now her boyfriend, with whom she has not been in a relationship for long, she considers a proof of love. We were both planning to go to Marrakech on the 29th to spend ten days in a villa owned by some of his French friends and because of this problem everything fell apart. But Pepe has never left my side. When everything is great the relationship is easier but when things don’t go well you know the other person better. Because of my profession I dedicate myself to healing the sick and I always believed that nothing was going to happen to me and when it’s your turn I assure you that you want to die and you have to move on and have the people who love you and have by your side.

And she confesses as a difficult patient. As a patient I recognize that I am regular. In the blacksmith’s house, a wooden knife. You tend to wait until the end until you see that there is no other option and in addition you always believe that yours is not important next to the pathologies that I usually see in my patients with lung cancer or pulmonary fibrosis and I think that mine is nonsense when it is not and has its importance.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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