Marine Le Pen: “I feel like I’m reliving the Yellow Vests”

On the same subject

Marine Le Pen: "I feel like I'm reliving the Yellow Vests"

Marine Le Pen: “I feel like I’m reliving the Yellow Vests”

Marine Le Pen: "I am pessimistic, and it is the Nupes who will bear the responsibility"

Marine Le Pen: “I am pessimistic, and it is the Nupes who will bear the responsibility”

Marine Le Pen: "The more the government argues about its reform, the more the French become aware of the uselessness, brutality and injustice of this reform."

Marine Le Pen: “The more the government argues about its reform, the more the French become aware of the uselessness, brutality and injustice of this reform”

"Give us the wings of our victory": Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, asks France for planes and tanks

“Give us the wings of our victory”: Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, asks France for planes and tanks

Ruslan Stefanchuk, President of the Ukrainian Parliament, calls on the French deputies "to recognize Russia as a terrorist state"

Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, calls on French MPs “to recognize Russia as a terrorist state”

Follow questions to the government in the National Assembly live

Follow questions to the government in the National Assembly live

Francois Ruffin: "What we expect is that the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister do not mess up the country"

François Ruffin: “What we expect is that the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister do not mess up the country”

Anne Hidalgo: "This reform is absolutely unjust and unjustified and the response of the French is in the street"

Anne Hidalgo: “This reform is absolutely unjust and unjustified and the response of the French is in the street”

Sandrine Rousseau (EELV) on the retirement of athletes: "What will Mbappé do after 50 years?"

Sandrine Rousseau (EELV) on the retirement of athletes: “What will Mbappé do after 50 years?”

Lawrence Berger: "The slogan of this demonstration is 'no to 64 years'"

Laurent Berger: “The watchword of this demonstration is ‘no to 64 years'”

"You despise people": Rachel Kéké, MP Nupes, raises her voice on the issue of working for seniors

“You despise people”: Rachel Kéké, MP Nupes, raises her voice on the issue of senior labor

Pension reform: the procession sets off in Bordeaux

Pension reform: the procession sets off in Bordeaux

Blocking of high schools against pension reform: "Young people are highly mobilized"says Manès Nadel, federal head of Paris for La Voix lycéenne

Blocking of high schools against the pension reform: “The youth is very mobilized”, affirms Manès Nadel, federal manager Paris of La Voix lycéenne

Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Emmanuel Macron: "I adjure him to hear the voice of reason"

Jean-Luc Mélenchon about Emmanuel Macron: “I adjure him to hear the voice of reason”