Marta Peate explodes against Jordi Wild for a comment about Georgina's greatest virtue

Marta Peate has exploded on social networks due to an unfortunate comment by Jordi Wild against Georgina Rodrguez during an interview on his podcast, The Wild Projecta Leo Margets, professional player and great poker star. The content creator and the guest highlighted the fame that Jaca has garnered over recent years, which has even allowed her to have her own documentary on Netflix.

You cannot say that by having a documentary you have succeeded in life, she assured. A thought that was rejected by Jordi, who assured that Georgina’s greatest virtue has been having sexual relations with Cristiano Ronaldo and the guarantee of her success is due to the fact that she has had children with the Portuguese footballer.

If we are talking about her, when I don’t even know what her voice is like, it is because she has done something (…) It seems a little curious to me and it seems a little sad to me, it also seems like what she says: I am the whore loves. A person whose greatest virtue has been fucking a famous person, period. Her success has been having children with Cristiano Ronaldo and that’s it. Some words that have generated all kinds of reactionswhere the majority insists that Jordi Wild has not been very correct with his words.

With it in the 83rd century we learn to respect a little

Marta Peateformer contestant of The island of temptations y Big Brother, He has been one of the few well-known faces who has exploded against the content creator. The television actress assures that she is repulsed by these types of thoughts. But, and who is this guy and who does he think he is? It makes me sick that he talks like that. It repulses me. With it in the 83rd century we learn to respect a little. The influencer has received heat from her followers after coming out against these controversial words from the host of The Wild Project.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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