Antonio Tejado's reaction upon being arrested: He realized that he had no escape

Antonio Tejado was with the alleged assailants of the home the night of the robbery at his aunt Mara del Monte’s house.who tied up the singer and her partner, the journalist Inmaculada Casal until they took possession of a loot of watches, jewelry and other valuable objects valued at around 650,000 euros.

According to the information from the events journalist Carlos Qulez offered in And now Sonsoles, This information would have been known thanks to the geolocation of the mobile phone of the artist’s nephew.which helped the authorities to get on his trail, since they were also aware that the person who had robbed María del Monte’s house was someone from her environment, due to the type of stolen objects, whose existence could only be meet someone close to the singer.

According to the journalist, who has offered more information about the robbery and the investigation that has found the bones of Antonio Tejado in prison, where he has been sleeping since Monday, A few days after the assault, the police detected a personalized piece of jewelry from the singer’s house for sale on the black market., which would have been put up for sale by a lieutenant known as El Ruso. Then they get the suspects’ phones and get the judge’s permission to wiretap them.

Ms informacin

  • Alexia Rivas has told in the program Let’s see the reaction of Samara Camba, Antonio Tejado’s last partner, to his arrest.

That’s when they realize that The group has a person who is the one who gives them the information to be able to carry out the robbery. and, without further evidence, they put the focus on the singer’s nephew, known for his life of excess, as he himself acknowledged on different occasions on television.

life of excess

This life of excess that Antonio Tejado will be leading, apparently, will be known by everyone around him. Mara José, his own mother, would have contacted María del Monte on numerous occasionswith whom he maintains a close relationship, to vent and also to try to find solutions to the situation of Antonio Tejadowho would have always promised to change, but then would go back to his old ways.

Likewise, also in the Antena 3 program mentioned above yesterday They spoke with an ex-partner of the former television collaboratorwho also had a relationship with Chayo Mohedano, Roco Jurado’s niece.

According to this friend, Tejado was bad with drugs, days without sleeping. We all had a great time, he also says about the parties the young man celebrated at his house. I could go three days of excess without sleep.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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