MAS Awards: 14 extraordinary winners from science, business, journalism, sports or culture

It has been celebrated 10th edition of the Women to Follow Awards. The Santander Auditorium in Madrid hosted a party attended by nearly three hundred guests. The ceremony was attended by the Women to Watch from this and other years, as well as personalities from the world of politics and culture. It was Nadia Calvio, first vice president of the Government and minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, who opened the event. The journalist Teresa Viejo was in charge of presenting the event.

Los Women to Follow Awards seek to promote the careers of women who are halfway there, who stand out in their respective sectors; They are the leaders of the future and have a broad social commitment.


In Science this year the prize was Eleonora Viezzer, physicist and researcher at the University of Seville, who works to ensure that nuclear fusion becomes a clean and inexhaustible source of energy. According to her, this method could generate, from just one glass of water, the energy that a family of four people needs throughout their lives.

In Communication, the winner was Charo Marcos, founder and editor of Kloshletter, the first independent general information newsletter published in Spain. After a solid career in traditional media, Marcos has known how to reinvent himself and successfully explore the possibilities of the digital medium to do different journalism.

In Culture, Asaari Bibang has been the winner. Versatile is the adjective that best defines it. Spanish actress, comedian, presenter, writer, columnist and activist of Equatoguinean origin. In all these facets, Bibang has made the anti-racist and feminist struggle one of her banners.

The Olympic Games in Paris are the next great objective of the National Team of Rhythmic Gymnastics, awarded in the Sports category. After a generational change and not qualifying for Tokyo 2020, gymnastics girls have worked hard to return to the front line of their sport. Their successes in recent European and World Championships show that they are on the right track.

In Entrepreneurship, a new category in the MAS awards, the first winners are Beatriz Magro and Nuria Morales, founders of Komvida. Not only have they managed to introduce a new product, kombucha, to the Spanish market, but they have done so from a small town in rural Spain and betting on female employment.

In Companies, the Jury has chosen Paloma Real, CEO of Mastercard, who, from her position at the head of one of the main companies in the financial sector in our country, has made innovation, sustainability and inclusion the basis of her strategy.

In section Advertising and Marketing, the award went to rsula Meja-Melgar, Diageo marketing director for southern Europe. Additionally, she is one of the main promoters of the UnadeDos movement, which seeks to achieve parity in the advertising industry.

The This year’s winner in Technology has been Alba González, biomedical engineer and researcher at the Carlos III University, which leads an innovative project to create personalized implants developed thanks to 3D printing, for cases of complex bone reconstructions that, otherwise, could not be operated on.

special awards

In addition to all the categories, the Women to Follow Awards have awarded six special distinctions:

-Talent on Board Award: Sara García, researcher at the National Cancer Research Center and the first Spanish woman astronaut.

-MAS Community Award: the Ana Bella Foundation, a global network that involves thousands of women, media and companies in the fight against sexist violence and that, since 2006, has helped more than 45,000 women take the step from victim to survivor.

-MAS Digital Challenge Award: Esther Elas, founder of FunTech Rocket, an online training platform that teaches programming to children from 6 years old, allowing them to learn while having fun.

-MAS International Award: Carolina Martinoli, head of people, corporate affairs and sustainability at IAG, one of the main aviation holding companies in the world. Martinoli faces challenges such as increasing diversity in a traditionally male industry or leading the transition towards more sustainable aviation.


– MAS Inspiration Award: Sole Giménez, singer and songwriter and one of the most outstanding voices of Spanish pop, who this year celebrates forty years of career.

-MORE Career Award: Maruja Torres, a regular columnist for media outlets such as El Pas and El Diario, Torres has also been a war correspondent and has covered major international events. She is the winner of the Planeta and Nadal awards, among others.


The Jury of the X MAS Awards has been made up of Beatriz Becerra, vice president of España Mejor; María Blasco, scientific director of the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO); Irene Cano, general director of Meta in Spain and Portugal; Ana de Castro, chief communications officer of Havas Group Spain; Mnica Chao, president of WAS (Women, Action, Sustainability); Vicente Jimnez, director of As; Ana Lamas, president of WomenCEO; Mnica Margarit, appointed general director of Madrid Futuro; Antoln Sanz, territorial director of Mutua Universal Madrid; Marina Specht, CEO of McCann Worldgroup; Jaime del Valle, global director retail digital services at LOral; the former Secretary of States for Innovation Carmen Vela, currently director of collaborative projects at Eurofins Technologies; Teresa Viejo, journalist and writer; Ainhara Viars, CEO of Shiseido Prestige; Esther Valdivia, president of Professional Publications, editor of MAS and president of the jury, and Mara Lizarraga, advisory councilor of MAS and secretary of the jury.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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