Mediaset focuses on Atresmedia and records a Zapeando-style pilot program

Mediaset continues to look for the correct formula to recover the success that has not been touched for many months due to the audience crisis that passes through. The Fuencarral company has focused its efforts on recovering contests and programs that have been the history of the network. Martian Chronicles o Alla t! They have been some of the notable returns.

Now, The communication group has adopted a totally different strategy that is based on giving a chance to formats that work in the competition. As it has progressed FormulaTV in exclusive, Mediaset has recorded a pilot program that has the same essence as Zapeandoan entertainment space presented by Dani Mateo, which has been broadcast from Monday to Friday since 2013 and has accumulated more than 2,500 episodes.

Competitor of El Hormiguero?

LaCoproductoracompany of José Miguel Contreras, would be in charge of producing the program in the case of this project receiving the approval of the group’s board of directors. I love TV o Toma salami! are some of the zapping programs that are broadcast on Telecinco, but now The network wants a set in which a group of collaborators comment on these viral videos live.

On the other hand, The aforementioned media indicates that this format is a daily strip on the main Mediaset networkUnlike zapping which is broadcast on La Sexta and not on Antena 3. Even so, there are still doubts about the time slot that this project will have, although could be a great bet for him access prime time to compete with The Anthill. The group does not want to revolutionize their afternoons with Ana Rosa Quintana to the head.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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