Milei announces referendum if Congress rejects decree to deregulate the economy

BUENOS AIRES.- The president of Argentina, Javier Mileyannounced that it will organize a popular consultation in case the Congress Argentina rejects the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) by which numerous laws and regulations are eliminated to deregulate economy and allow the privatization of public companies.

“If they reject the DNU, I would call for a plebiscite or popular consultation,” he said in an interview with La Nación+ in which he asked the congressmen to explain why they “oppose something that benefits the people.”

Milei considered that those who oppose “are not aware of the seriousness of the situation” and alleged that those who demonstrate against his measures “cannot accept that they lost” and that the “population chose something else.”

“This points against the corrupt who get a deal by negotiating some law,” said the president, who pointed out that opposing legislators “cannot bite” more bribes.

Milei challenged his opponents to “try” to destabilize his administration, while asserting that “good Argentines are willing to make the effort” that the economic measures entail, although he warned that in the short term the salaries of employees will not increase. public nor will it benefit the self-employed.

The president stated that his announcements demonstrate that his party, La Libertad Avanza (LLA), is “consistent” with what he promised and pointed out that “there is no time” and that “a shock of freedom and anti-caste” is required in the economy. because “the situation is really complicated.”

This Wednesday, it was learned that labor judge Ignacio Ramonet rejected a presentation made by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) that requested the suspension of several modifications contemplated in the decree. The magistrate argued that the latter is not yet in force and there are no “serious and objectively urgent reasons… that enable the issuance of an interim precautionary measure.”

While this was happening, members of the CGT and various social organizations in the country demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the Judiciary against the decree. In addition, from the CGT, the two branches into which the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA) is divided, and the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), which represents those who carry out labor tasks, participated in the protest. informal way.

The decree does have the support of the Argentine Business Association – which brings together the country’s main businessmen – which described it as “a historic opportunity” because it aims to combat “the excessive size of the State” and the “very negative consequences.” ” that deficits have had in public accounts for decades.

The businessmen questioned that the private sector has been subjected “to undue state interference, to price controls, to a very high tax pressure, to arbitrary restrictions on foreign trade.”

Source: With information from Europa Press / AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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