Miren Ibarguren reflects on motherhood: It is of no use to me to raise a prince

It was in July 2022 when Miren Ibarguren and Alberto Caballero, creator of La que se cerca, welcomed Rocco, their first child together, into the world. The little one completely changed the lives of the actress and the screenwriter, something the Basque woman talks about during her participation in the podcast Que si Quiero o que si have, by Natalia Fervi. A particular analysis of motherhood that is being highly applauded on social networks.

Look, Ibarguren is willing to break all the taboos that exist on this issue. When a child is born, the need for the world to be better is born with him. It’s no use to me to raise a prince in my house if then you go to school and they’re going to break his face., he begins by saying. I believe that what motherhood or fatherhood is is an accompaniment until the age of eighteen that we cannot do alone at home, he adds.

According to the actress, this educational network not only extends to grandparents, friends or other relatives but is also made up of the strangers that we meet every day. The network is also being overwhelmed on a train and having someone help you out or take a good look at you, he points out. A message that has been quickly praised by the host of the podcast: Thank you for knowing when to get serious and demand the protection of children.


A few months ago, Miren Ibarguren also gave an interview to Mujer where she spoke about the importance of knowing how to reconcile motherhood with her professional career as an actress. I just became a mother six months ago and the truth is that it is being complicated. Conciliation is something that we have not fully refined, so to speak, she says. In acting, the schedules we manage are absolutely crazy. Suddenly, you have night shoots that without support will be very complicatedditch.

secret wedding

Miren Ibarguren and Alberto Caballero formalized their love story with a secret wedding after more than a decade together. Far from any media commotion, the actress and producer sThey got married last November in a civil ceremony. which culminated with an evening in a Basque restaurant located on the outskirts of the Spanish capital.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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