Miss Dayana and her daughter Victoria star in the funniest makeup session

The mother-daughter relationship between Miss Dayana and Victoria is one of total complicity and although the girl is just over two years old, they do not miss the opportunity to have fun together.

The singer and her offspring They recently starred in a makeup session which they enjoyed from start to finish.

As usual, Victoria’s Instagram witnessed this new idea in girls plan.

Capture Instagram / Miss Victoria

“Helping my mom put on her makeup”reads one of the publications in the ephemeral stories section.

However, The funniest thing of all is seeing Victoria with her eyes smeared with a green shadow. which is very far from being the perfect makeup.

“What do you think? “Do we look pretty?”they dare to ask along with another photo as if they had really done the best makeup.

Capture Instagram / Miss Victoria

Beyond how well, or not, Victoria’s eyes turned out with the green shadow, what really counts are these fun moments that mother and daughter share.

Just a few days ago the girl was posing for the cameras next to a tree, and Miss Dayana assured that “Respectable guajira, she has photos hanging on to a bush”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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