most homes in the US do not store firearms safely

MIAMI.- And study reveals that the armas loaded and unlocked are common in American homes, posing a serious risk to the safety of children and youth in the country. The research highlights the alarming trend of keeping guns unsecured and ready for potential use in many homes.

The study, led by Norah Friar of the Violence Prevention Division of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, analyzed federal survey data in eight states, finding varying rates of gun ownership and storage practices.

Weapons within reach of children

In half of the homes with loaded guns, they were kept unsecured, increasing the risk of fatal accidents, especially among children.

They found widely varying rates of household gun ownership: from 18.4% of households surveyed in California to about 39% in Oklahoma and more than half (50.6%) of households in Alaska.

About 44% of owners in North Carolina said the gun was loaded, as did about 40% of owners in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Nevada.

For households containing at least one gun, rates of guns loaded and unlocked ranged from nearly 49% in Ohio to nearly 59% in Alaska. In about 40% of those cases in Alaska, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina and Oklahoma, a child also lived in the home.

Researchers highlight the relationship between gun accessibility and accidental child deaths, as well as increasing gun-related suicides in the United States.

The presence of loaded and unlocked guns in homes represents a significant threat, as the majority of unintentional firearm deaths among children and adolescents occur in home environments where guns are not properly stored.

Need to educate

The study highlights the urgent need to educate the public about safe gun storage to prevent firearm-related injuries and deaths. The CDC reported that more than 4,700 gun-related deaths of children and adolescents were recorded in 2021, underscoring the importance of addressing this critical issue.

They consider that storing weapons locked and unloaded is a crucial measure to reduce the risk of fatal accidents. The recommendation is that each weapon should be locked, unloaded, and with ammunition secured separately. This simple strategy could save lives and prevent unnecessary tragedies caused by unsafe access to guns.

At a time when child safety is paramount, it is essential to be aware of the importance of safe gun storage to protect our loved ones and avoid avoidable tragedies.

The report highlights the urgency of addressing the problem of unsafe gun storage in American homes to ensure a safe environment for all. The responsibility falls on each owner to take proactive steps to protect their families and communities from the potentially deadly danger associated with improperly stored weapons.

(email protected)

Source:, Stanfordchildrens,

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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